Robbie Amell Imagine #3

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The sudden sinking of my bed woke me up slowly.


"Hey there sunshine."

Groaning as I stretch, I say


He smiles and kisses me softly. He outline my forearm and kisses followed. Then me said

"I was gonna go for a run... wanna come?"

"Sure. What time is it?"

"5 A.M."

I sink back in bed and said

"Ok... let me get changed. You can stay if you'd like...."

He nods in response. I walk over to my drawer and changed into a sports bra, a shirt and a pair of shorts. Then I grab some socks, put on my sneakers and zoomed out the door.

"You have no idea how hard it was not to pick you up and throw you on the bed."

I bite my lip and said

"Well. I'm glad you held back your urges."

"Your welcome, sweetheart."

He opens the door and we start running. Our goal was to sprint and jog a couple blocks until we go to the training center. Huffing and puffing on our last blocks we head for the training center. Entering the center, everyone stared at me with sharp eyes.

I was debating between saying 'Hello everyone' or 'what the hell are you looking at?'. So I decided to say nothing. Robbie speaks for me and requested a free gym for 1-2 hours and we enter the empty gym.

"Ready you get your ass whooped?" He says tauntingly.

"Says the one that should be punching, not talking."


He punches and I block them, then he comes from behind and I flip him over my shoulder.

"Whoah. I forgot how strong you are." He says in pain.

"Well that's a lesson that you should never forget, Amell."

I lend him a hand, he grabs it, but instead of getting himself up, he pulls me down. Now, I am laying on top of him, letting his huffing and puffing move me.

I say "Hi."

He responds switching places, so his on top now. He lifts my shirt and began kissing it up and down. He made his way to my neck and I heard him whisper I love you, through all of the panting. He finishes with a long kiss on my lips.

And I finally say

"I love you too."

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