Freshman Introduction [A Stomp The Yard Imagine] (3/3)

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"Alright Queen, let's see what you got." The host said.

"Hey baby, how about after I school you, I'll show you what a real King should feel like." He says while licking his lips.

Just A Little Bit by 50 cent started to play and a smile crept up on my face.

** (Sorry guys, I'm horrible at writing dance scenes so I'm just going to put a time skip here)

I end the battle by doing a backward summer-salt and landing into a split. This causes an uproar of cheers from the crowd. I stand up from the split and am immediately on welcomed by hands slapping my shoulders.

"Damn girl, you owned him like the dog he is!" One girl says.

"Ay girl, let my holler at you real quick. I wanna how those hips move up close and personal." One guy says.

I heard many more comments and to be honest, it started to get a little overwhelming. The mass of people who were surrounding me only added to the humidity of the club. It all of a sudden got harder to breathe and almost as if he read my mind, the host says:

"Aight guys, give her some room. She looks like she's gettin' ready to clock one of y'all. Give her some room, back up."

Everyone listens to what he says and he adds:

"So Queen, tell us some things about the woman who so rightly took the crown as Queen of the dance floor. What's your name, where you from? I haven't seen you much around these parts."

"My name is Y/N— But Queen Y/N would suffice— and I'm from Boston, Massachusetts." I say.

"Alright Queen Y/N, what are you planning on doing the rest of the night? Teaching Grant a lesson of who runs the dance floor?" He asks.

"We'll see where the night takes me. But imma head to bar and get a shot of tequila." I say before walking through the crowd.

"Alright, alright. Fellas you better buy Queen Y/N her drinks." The host says.

I finally reach the bar and I see five shots of tequila placed in front of me.

"They're from those fellas over there," the bartender says.

I raise my shot glass to them and they wink at me. I roll my eyes before downing my drink. I was about to get another one when I feel a hand on my bicep. I turn to see the same boy that I battled.

"Where in the hell did you learn to dance like that?" He asks.

"Now, if I tell you that.. then they won't longer be called 'my moves', would it?" I sass.

He licks his lips before leaning in so close that I could feel his breath on my ear.

"Wanna dance?" He asks.

"Another dance battle? Man, you never learn, do you?" I tease.

He cocks his head to the side as he looks at me and I say:


I down the remaining four shots all at once before following him to the dance floor. He takes my hand into his and I ask:

"What's your name anyway?"

He spins me around and pulls my back against his chest. His lips brush up on the shell of my ear as his hands rest on my hips.

"The name's Grant," he says, sending chills down my spine.

I move my hips to the beat of the song and he rolls his body onto mine. I bend my knees and shift my weight to the side as I grind into him. I smile as he tightened his grip on my waist and pulled me down whilst still grinding into me.

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