Welcome to Beverly Hills (6/6) [An All American Story]

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According to the doctors, Spencer has two broken ribs, a dislocated shoulder and some internal bleeding. But thankfully, they managed to minimize the bleeding in surgery before it got too severe.

He's been in the hospital for almost a week now and Mom, Dillon and I would visit him everyday. They say that it wasn't my fault and that I did the best I could to protect him. And maybe they're true... but that still doesn't change the fact that I still feel at fault here. He wouldn't have gotten those kinds of injuries if I moved fast enough.

"Miss James?" I hear a female voice say, but her voice sounds like it was in a tunnel.

"Miss James?" The voice repeats.

"Miss James," I feel a hand on my shoulder and immediately grab it.

That's when I am finally snapped out of it and I realized that I was pushing on my teacher's pressure point in her wrist. She groans in pain and I let go.

"Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." I say, scooting myself away from my desk.

She cradles her hurt hand and stares at me, just like everyone else in the class is. She clears his throat before saying:

"You're requested in the office."

"Okay," I say softly.

I gather my things before saying:

"I'm sorry,"

I walk out of the classroom and walk into the principals office. I sit in the chair and bounce my leg nervously as I wait for my name to be called.

"Y/N James," the principal says.

I stand up from the chair and he says:

"We're going to move into the conference room, if that is okay with you."

"Okay," I say as I follow him into another room.

I notice that there are five other people in the room, sitting in the chairs on the right side of the table with their hands folded on the table in front of them.

"Have a seat, Miss James." The principal instructs.

I comply and he sits in his seat across from me, at the center of the ground of five people.

"Whether or not you should be suspended has been up for debate for the past few days now. Do you have anything to say on your behalf?" The principal states.

"Oh I have plenty to say on my behalf. I-"

I was interrupted by someone bursting through the door.

"She didn't do anything wrong!" I hear Asher say.

I look over my shoulder to see Asher standing there, breathing heavy almost as if he was running towards something.

"She didn't do anything wrong, all she was doing was protecting her brother from the football team." He defends.

The room went silent momentarily until the principal says:

"We understand that what Y/N did was out of self defense of herself and her brother but-"

"There shouldn't be any buts. She's the innocent one here." Asher interrupts.

"There are parents pressing charges against her. So either they drop the charges, or we call in the Sheriff to persecute you." The principal says.

"Oh my G..." I trail off as I rest my face in my hands.

"I'll talk to them," Asher says.

"Come on, follow me." He adds as he approaches me.

"No Asher, I have to-"

"Get off your ass and walk with me." He says as he swings my book bag over his shoulder.

I stand from the chair and follow him out of the room.

"And where do you think you are going, mister?"

"To help out a friend." He says.

We walk out the principal's office in its entirety and I finally ask:

"Why did you do that?"

He glances at me and doesn't respond. He walks me back to my previous class and hands me my book bag. I sit at my seat and he says:

"I'll pick you up straight after school, okay?"
When I don't respond, he places a hand on my shoulder and looks into my eyes deeply.

"I'll fix this, I promise." He adds.

And with that, he left my classroom and disappeared down the hall.

I blink slowly as I think of what just happened.

"What was that about?" A girl says.

"I have no idea," I say.

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