Grave Mistakes (An All American Story)

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Part Four:
(Y/N's P.O.V.)
"What's up?" Spencer asks me, returning my gaze back to him and not where Jordan's as running.

"Your Dad is back, I just figured that you should know." I say.

"Yeah, I know. He came of my house last night," he says.

"What? And you didn't tell anybody? You didn't tell me?" I ask, making the fact that I am insulted well known.

"I didn't want to get you into anymore trouble with Jordan," He states.

"Jordan has his own problems he needs to solve. I have no part in that." I say.

"Actually, you do. You have more of an influence him than you think. He couldn't go through the basic plays today because he was too busy thinking about you. Coach is thinking about benching him for one of the biggest games of the season. He needs you, now more than ever." He explains.

"I don't know, Spencer. What if he tries to hit me again?" I ask.

"He won't,"

"But how do you know?"

"Because he loves you more than he loves himself," He explains, taking a step closer to me.

"Just invite him to the party and try to.. I don't know... be nice." He states.

"'Be nice'? I was being nice, and he hit me. I am not going to risk that again, Spence. I'm sorry.." I say, turning to the direction where my car is.

"He's going through what you went through to when you were younger." He says, making me stop in my tracks.

"You had no one when your dad drank himself to death and your father left. You met me, Chris and Coop after that, but you were alone before. Don't let the same thing happen to him, Y/N." He adds.

I glance to the locker room before looking back at Spencer. He nods and I slowly make my way towards the locker room. The sound of Jordan grunting and lockers slamming immediately comes into ear range.

"Jordan?" I call as I walk in.

The sounds of lockers slamming stopped and all I could hear was his heavy breathing.

"Jordan?" I repeat.

I peek around the corner to see him in his black tank top and the bottom half of his football uniform still on.

"Are you.. Okay?" I ask.

"No," He says shakily.

"Is there anything I can do?"

Instead of responding, he walks towards me. I take a step back but he still continues to walk towards me. My back rests against the cold lockers and he boxes me in. He bends his neck so that he is staring straight down at me. I feel his breath fanning against my face and he finally says:

"You can forgive me,"

"I'll do my best, but you have to meet me halfway alright?" I say.

He nods and I do the same.

"Good," I add.

And for the first time in weeks, Jordan has a twinkle on his eyes.

"So, um, there is a party at Chris's place if you're game." I say, breaking the awkward silence.

"I'll be there," he says, stepping closer to me so that I am completely spread across the locker.

"Great, I'll, uh," I trail off as I feel him lean down to kiss me.

The most frustrating part about it is that I'm not even denying it. The fact that he hurt me both physically and mentally has completely left my mind. I lean my head upwards and just as our lips were going to collide, I hear Asher say:

"Hey, Jordan. You okay in— Whoa, my bad, I thought he was alone in here."

Pulling away from Jordan, I say:

"Actually, I was just leaving."

"Wait, Y/N—"

"See you guys at the party?" I add before jogging out of the door.

I can't believe it, I almost kissed Jordan.


There I was, grinding on Chris with a cup of beer in my hand. I say as Chris places his hands on my hips and buries his head under my chin, leaving kisses and it's wake.

I wave my free hand in the air and whoop to the sound of the music. Leila is grinding softly against Spencer, and they look like they are having a lot of fun. But Spencer's smile dropped when he looks to the door. I follow his gaze to Olivia and Jordan who just came through the door. Jordan scans the room but stops when he sees me.

I pretend to not see him and continue to dance with Chris. He dips his head and leaves warmer kisses down the bass of my neck. I pull away from him and spin around to wrap my arms around his neck.

"You thirsty?" He asks.

"No, I'm fine staying right here." I say, warning a cocky smirk from him.

He rests his hands on my lower back and says:

"Well when you put it that way,"

He leans in to kiss me when Olivia says:

"What the hell?"

Chris' eyes widen as he sets his eyes on her.

He didn't tell me that they were still together.

"You don't even wait to break up?" Olivia asks, hurt dropping from her voice.

"Olivia, wait" Chris says as he follows her into the crowd, leaving all alone.

With a sigh, I make my way towards the bar table to fill up my cup.

"What's good, homewrecker?" I hear a voice pipe from behind me.

I glance over my shoulder to see Cameron approaching me with a smile.

"Bite me, Cameron," I threaten before I take a swig of my beer.

"Gladly baby, anything you want." He says as he pushes my hair away from my neck.

"Knock it off," I say, moving his hand away from my shoulder.

"Hey, easy."

He turned me around and pushed me into the table.

"You're still single right? You're not with Beverly Hills? Well, I mean, even if you were, that wouldn't matter with me." He adds."

"I'm not interested," I say.

"Why? You think you're better than us Crenshaw boys, huh?" He says, flaring his nose with anger.

"Cameron," I warn.

"I thought she said that she wasn't interested," Jordan chimes as he approaches us.

"Back off, Beverly Hills. Nobody invited you here." Cameron snarks.

Jordan steps between us and gets in Cameron's face.

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin