Misjudgment (Mission Impossible: Fallout Story)

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A/N: By the way, for those of you that don't know, August Walker is Henry Cavill; and Henry Cavill is the actor for Superman. He is also the sexiest man I have ever seen in my life. 😇👌🏽💦


Part One:
Humming as I take the first sip of my chicken and dumpling soup, I hear my phone chirping viciously. I have three types of ringtones for three types of people.

There is the slow chime for the unimportant people like my clients. The faster slow chime for the semi-important people like the CIA. And lastly, the screaming chirp with vibrations for the really important people like Ethan and his crew.

I once was a part of Mission Impossible along with Ethan, but then I quit after I lost my partner in a bomb strike. A few years after, I heard that Ethan left so his own reasons as well. We've been in touch but we've been going in separate directions from the beginning.

"Hello?" I answer after I click the green button on the screen.

"Hello, Y/N" a man states.


"Long time no see, we need your help." He says.

"Send me the coordinates, I'll be there in an hour." I say before hanging up.

"I'll take this chicken and dumpling soup to go please," I say to the waitress.


Here I am, riding on a white motorcycle to the coordinate that Luther sent me. While I was riding passed, I notice many car accidents and bullet holes in the cars.

"Wow, Ethan really is making a mess." I say to myself.

Then again, when have I ever known him to be nice and neat?

I hear and feel a bullet ricochet off of my helmet. I peer over my shoulder to see a woman in all black attire riding on a black motorcycle. Gothic much?

I turn into a narrow alley way and push to eighty so she didn't catch up to me. I pull out a tiny yet sharp dagger from inside of my boot. As expected, she followed me into the alleyway. She is now behind me and when I look over my shoulder again, she is pulling out her silencer gun.

I spin the dagger to gain momentum and then throw it between the rim of the tire and the rubber part. The motorcycle stands on its front wheel and toss the woman face first onto the cement. Thank God she has a helmet.

Once she is no longer a threat, I continue to drive to the coordinates. According to the GPS, I am five minutes away from where Luther told me.

When I finally arrive, I see that Ethan had shot four guys in order to save one woman. Classic Ethan, he always had a weak spot for damsels in distress.

"Ethan," I say through the helmet.

He jumps to his feet and cocks his gun at me. I throw my hands into the air and slowly reached for my helmet.

"Don't move!"

"It's just me, Ethan. Damn!"


I take off my helmet with a sigh and run my fingers through my hair.

"Yes, it's me."

"What are you doing here?" He asks as I approach him.

He gives me a tight hug and says:

"How's life treating you? You look good,"

"You don't look too bad yourself. I thought you stopped with this life, Ethan." I say as I pull away from him.

"It's harder than it looks to walk away, but it's not for Mission Impossible." He states.

"Then who's it for?" I ask.

"Guys, I'm sorry to interrupt but we have to go." Benji states.

"Right," I say before walking back to my motorcycle.

"Lead the way," I add.

"Actually, it's easier if you go in one car, so you might have to sit on someone's lap." Ethan says.

"I beg your pardon,"

"Come on, we need an extra hand to keep Solomon contained," He begs.

Groaning with annoyance, I say:

"We haven't been around each other for five minutes and you're already being a pain in my ass."

I walk towards the car and give Luther a quick slap n' slide before giving him a hug.

"Thank you for coming," He says with a warm smile.

"Of course," I say once I pull away.

"Simon," I say before giving him a quick hug.

Then my eyes fall upon a tall, very attractive man. His ocean blue eyes meet my chocolate brown orbs and a small smile tugs on his lips. He has curly, black hair with a cute mustache and jawline that could cut someone with one slap. He wears a brown jacket over his gray suit and black shoes.

"Who's the cutie?" I ask.

"The name's Walker," he says, stepping towards me as he gives me his hand.

I glance to Ethan and he nods slightly giving me the okay. I then take Walker's warm hand into mine for a quick, sharp handshake.

"I'm Y/N," I say.

We held each other's gaze for a moment and he smiles lightly.

"You new to the Mission Impossible?" I ask, pulling my hand away from his.

He shakes his head and says:

"I've been in the CIA for some time now,"

"Hm, are you any good?" I ask.

"I don't know, ask Ethan." He says with a small smirk.

I glance at Ethan and he is giving him the biggest eye roll of the century.

"Alright, enough with the chitter chatter and into the car we go," Benji says.

"About that, whose lap am I sitting on?" I ask.

"Well I wouldn't mind you sitting on me, darling." Solomon chirps.

"Bug off, Solomon." I mumble.

"You can sit on mine," Walker states.


"Why not, it only helps me get to know you better." He says with a wink.

We all go into the car and I slowly settle myself on Walker's lap. He definitely has enough thigh muscles to hold my 145 lbs self. The warmness of his chest against my back is oddly soothing.

"So, do you want to make conversation or do you just want to enjoy the ride on my lap?" He asks.

I glare at him from over my shoulder and he chuckles lightly.

"Okay smart guy, what do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"Well for starters—"

He was cut off by Ethan taking a sharp turn. Walker places his hands on my waist to keep me stabilized and I place my hands on his out of instinct.

"Sorry," He says, pulling away from me once everything was back to normal.

"No, you're fine" I say, embarrassment crawling to my cheeks.

"'You're fine' as in keep my hands here or 'you're fine' as in this is the only time that I can touch and not get my ass kicked?" He says.

"Mmm, the former" I say.

He slides his warm hands around my waist and my hands rest on his. He adjusts himself by spreading his legs and I lean back so my head was resting on my shoulder.

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