DC & Marvel?? Final Part

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Tony found a way to manipulate Wanda's power to send the Justice League back.
Before they go through the tear, Green Lantern, The Flash and Batman hugged me. Then they walked through the tear and they were gone. There was silence until Sam screams

"Thank god they're gone!"

"Same!" Bucky says.

And they do the bro handshake thing. Once they realized what they were doing, they pulled away fast and wipe their hands on their clothes.

"Guys! That was mean."

"What? I'm sorry, Y/N/N. But they didn't belong here. They needed to go back to their own universe and fight their own villains." says Sam.

"Yeah. And they were all over you. Like you were the only woman in the whole world. No offense, Nat."

"None taken." She says.

"But they did seem to take a liking to you, Y/N." She adds.

"They liked me because I was nice to them."

"Oh no it was more than that." Tony says.

"See!" Bucky says.

"How was it more than that, Tony?"

"First of all, you were on a first name basis with all of them. Second, I've seen the way they look at you. It's like...."

"Like they're in love with her." says a sad Bucky.

"Exactly. Like they're in--" Tony stops when Bucky walks away.

I run after him.

"Bucky! Bucky!"

He stops and says

"No, Y/N. I'm done. You are too good for me, in so many ways. You're gorgeous, you're intelligent, you're caring.... you unintentionally made four guys fall for you.... I'm an amateur compared to you. I'm not even on your level."

"Who says that you have to be?"

He says nothing and walk away.

**In the DC Universe**

Third Person POV

"I'm telling you Robin, I have to go back there."
Bruce says.

"And why should we do that?"

"Because she --"

"You want to go back into another universe..... for a girl?"

"Yes. And I'm not asking, Robin. We're going back to the Marvel Universe, to get her." says Batman.

"You want to risk your life for her--"

"Yes because even though I haven't admitted to her, I am in love with her and I'm going to get her back. So yes! I would risk my life for her!"

"Very well, sir. I'll get to work."

Green Lantern:
"Where the hell were you?" says Hal's friend.

"In the Marvel Universe. Anywho, I need to go back."


"For Y/N."

"Who the hell is Y/N?"

"The woman who still my heart and she is back in the Marvel Universe. So.... I need to go back."

"And how are we going to do that?"

"Whatever it takes."

The Flash:

"You should have met her, Iris. She is strong and smart and funny and caring and.....she has such a beautiful voice."

"Who is she?"

"Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. Her favorite color is purple. She has black hair and dark brown eyes. She has a birthmark on the corner of her lips. Her lips....."


"Yeah." He says snapping out of his gaze.

"How are we going to do it?"

"Whatever it takes." He says walking out of the room.

Leaving a lonely and heartbroken Iris behind.

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