Welcome to Beverly Hills (2/6) An All American Imagine]

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I sigh with exhaustion as Spencer and I step off our third and final bus

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I sigh with exhaustion as Spencer and I step off our third and final bus.

"I am so happy that I have $500 left before I buy a car." I say.

"Word," He says.

We walk onto the campus and immediately caught stares from people. I roll my eyes effortlessly before we break apart and head to our different first periods.

Mine was Honors Calculus and Spencer's was CP American Literature. I walk into the room and all of the murmurs came to a stop as their eyes fell on me. The teacher was staring too until he snapped out of it and says:

"You must be Y/N James,"

"Yep, that's me." I say.

He approaches me and shook my hand.

"I just wanted to let you know that I admire your courage to come here to Beverly Hills High. And I wish you the best of luck." He says, still holding my hand in his.

I pull my hand away and mumble thanks under my breath. I turn towards the class to realize that I am the only dark face in the class.

"Great," I say under my breath.

I find a seat in the very back corner and pull out my binder and agenda. Eyes were watching my every move and I heard some whispers saying things like how is she even in this class? Does she have the IQ for it?

This comment earned some giggles, which caused my cheeks to heat up. I bounce my leg with nervousness and linked my hands on the desk.

Bite your tongue, Y/N. Don't get in trouble on your first day.

"How would her mother let her walk out of the house dressing like that?" A girl whispers.

"Probably because she's a slut just like her daughter." Another girl says.

Oh, that. Was. It.

"Is there something you would like to say to me?" I say loud and clear.

The teacher looks from me to the girls and back.

"What?" One redheaded girl says.

"Is there something that either one of you would like to say to my face rather than to your buddies?" I rephrase.

They just stare at me and don't respond.

"Because it's one thing to say it to your friends under your breathe, and it's another thing to actually say to that person's face. You wanna know what people like you are called where I'm from?" I ask.

"We call you pussies. People who don't have to back bone to say what you want to the actual person or doesn't have the balls to do something about it. And I don't associate with pussies, so hit me up when you finally grow a pair. Until then, shut the fuck up before I slap the teeth straight out of your mouth." I add.

They all look at me with wide eyes and I just sit back and smile.

"You can continue lecturing, sorry for the interruption." I say nonchalantly.

He snaps out of his gaze and clears his throat before saying:

"Well then,"


"Ay, Y/N. How's it going?" Spencer asks as he approaches me.

"My day is going amazing, thank you for asking." I say with a smile.

"You didn't threaten anyone, did you?" He asks.

"Well I didn't threaten anyone's life, but-"

"Damn it, Y/N." He says while running his hand over his face.

"They were talking shit on Mom," I defend.

"They what? Who were they?" He asks.

"No, no, no.. I do not want you getting kicked out of here on the first day because you punched a girl in the face." I say.

"Then she shouldn't have been talking shit about Mom." He says.

"I handled it, okay? Now let's get lunch." I say.

We make our way to cafeteria and my jaw drops as I see the multiple carts of gourmet food.

"Dude," I start, only to find out that he was flirting with some girl.

I roll my eyes and find a cart that I want to eat from. I put as much food as my stomach could take on the plate and sat down in the courtyard. I pull out my phone and scroll through my Instagram when Spencer sits in front of me.

"Mm. That looks good," He says as he reaches for my food.

I slap his hand away and say:

"Ah, ah.. you should have thought about good before you went and talked to some girl over you sister."

"Sorry about ya luck." I add.

He grumbles before walking into the line.

Twenty minutes later, Spencer and I finished out lunch and decided to take the last ten minutes to find our next class. Which, for me, was AP Biology. Spencer and I was through the courtyard and I hear a girl say:

"Hey Spencer!"

Spencer and I look to see that it is the one girl that he was talking to previously. Though now she is sitting down with two other guys and one other girl.

"Hey," He says.

He motions me to follow and I do so hesitantly.

"Lelia, this is my sister Y/N. Y/N, this is Leila." Spencer introduces.

"Hello," she says with a bright smile.

"Hey," I say with a small smile.

"I'm Jordan Baker," One of the guys say.

Jordan is actually kind of cute. He is tall and lean with a medium built upper body. He has dark black hair and dark brown eyes that compliments his caramel colored skin. He extends his hand to Spencer and Spencer shakes his hand.

Then Jordan shakes my hand whilst saying my name and my cheeks started to heat up.

"Wait a second, Baker?  As in-"

"Yeah.. Coach Billy is my dad." Jordan finishes.

"This is Asher and this is Hadley, my girlfriend." He add.

I wave at them gently and glance at Jordan. I feel a pair of eyes on me and look to see Asher looking dead at me.

"So tell me, you guys from the Bloods or the Crips?" Asher asks before he takes his sip of water.

Spencer and I look at each other with disbelief.

"Are you serious, right now?" Spencer asks.

"What?" Asher says.

"The fact that you don't know how you offended us makes us even more offended." I say.

I scoff and roll my eyes before walking away.

"I'll catch up with you guys later." Spencer says to Jordan and Leila.

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