Forced To Marry Mello (4)

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Melo was true to his word, we were married within the week. It was a small ceremony in a registary office, with a meal in a hotel after and some music. It was just my family (Mello doesn't have family) mafia people (lol) and Mello's one friend, Matt.

Melloo (lol wtf) wore a black suit and red tie, Matt was best man, my dad walked me down the aisle, I guess the female siblings I mentioned before were my bridesmaid(s)

I danced in his arms after the meal, the mafia guys were drunk and getting a bit rowdy so we got out of there. Instead of a honeymoon, the mafia got us an apartment. He took me back there and I was dying to see it. My dad had moved all my stuff over already.

Mello carried me over the threshold, and as soon as he put me down I went running around screaming.

"What the fuck Y/N?!"

"I'm excited!" I screamed as I ran back and into his arms.

"You're crazy,"

"Ah you love it!"

"I adore you," He agreed. "Let's sit down, I'm thirsty."

"So am I," I said as I kissed his neck.

"I meant for a drink, not what you mean," He mock scolded me.

"I'm off drink for a while though." (So is author-chan)

"You had cider earlier. Have a vodka at least."

We sat down in our new living room and toasted to us.

"To good memories and sweet dreams," Mello added.

"I adore you too, husband."

[Next chapter will contain a lemon, gah!]

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