Mafia Yandere Girl (5)

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I'd planned to kill everyone but I didn't have to, as Mello decided to behave. I'd got what I wanted, but now I had it I was kind of bored already. I'd looked forward to the murders. Though fucking Mello was fun, I couldn't really complain.

I knew he had some plan in action to do with the Death Note and the police, though he was keeping it on the downlow. He was monitoring the security cameras when he suddenly came to me and told me to go out and buy him some chocolate.

"You've got like fifty boxes of it already."

"Just do it." He ordered, shoving some money at me.

"Ok I'm going." I took the money and stood up.

"Hey and Y/N, take your time." He called after me.

"Whatever." I replied and kept walking.

I bought the chocolate and took my time walking back as he said. I sat on a random wall and ate some of his chocolate. I frowned, realising he may have sent me out so he could fuck someone. "Take your time." That bastard, and I was so stupid for only realising it now.

I rushed back to the hideout, ready to kill whoever he was with now. But what I saw on my return shocked me far worse.

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