Forced To Marry Mello

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[An - I've read one or two fics like this and I keep getting emails about mafia questions from Quora lol, so I decided just now to do this. We'll see how it goes]

"This could be Heaven
Or this could be Hell."

My dad was a mafia boss in LA. He was lucky enough to have lived long enough to retire, and had passed his position onto a guy known as Rod Ross. My dad still got cuts from deals and still had some authority over the group but was enjoying his retirement. My siblings had their own families and jobs but I still lived at home and was single. [Assume I'm Irish/Italian]

Until the day my dad came home from visiting the mafia hideout, with some news for me. Or rather, an order for me.

"Y/N, listen up. There's this guy I need you to marry."

I gave him a "what the fuck" look.

"Um no thanks."

"Just listen first. There's a guy who has connections and strong interest in the Kira case. But he has no Italian blood. He's Russian/German and grew up in the UK. He can't join us without Italian origins, the only solution is by way of marriage."

I shook my head. "I'm not interested."

"I'm not giving you a choice. If you don't do this, not only will I disown you, but I'll destroy you. You know what I mean and you know how big this Kira case is. We need to let this guy join, he's even set to take over from Rod, that's how good he is. It's not like you were ever going to get married anyway, you're too much of a loner and you can't marry your anime guys. This dude will be rich once we solve the case, he'll buy you all the anime stuff you want. It will get Rod off your back too, he won't dare hit on you if you're married to Mello."

"Mello? What kind of name is that?"

[AN - It's a beautiful name, how dare you fic version of me]

"It's an alias, you know how Kira works."

"Do you have a photo of him?"

"No I don't, for the same reason. You'll have to meet him."

"Well if I've no choice, I've no choice," I sighed. "Can I go back to reading my manga now?"

[AN - I'm reading Vampire Knight]

"No, he wants to meet you now. We'll, I want you to meet him now. Make yourself look nice. And don't give him that sulky face or attitude, be polite to him."

"You mean do whatever he tells me," I frowned.

"Well yes, but look, it will be companionship for you. It might do you some good, he'll take you out and stuff."

"I don't want to go out and stuff," I moaned.

"Just go and get ready. Oh and he doesn't look like a typical mafia boss, so don't stare or say anything about his unusual looks."

What the hell did that mean? How "unusual" could he look? I just hoped he's be nice to me, ugh he'd probably be disgusted when he saw me. I looked in the mirror and just, no. He's not going to want me and probably be mad he's forced into this.

I hate this saying, but fuck my life.

"You can check out anytime time you like
But you can never leave."

(Lyrics from Hotel California by The Eagles)

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