iWatch Harry Potter by Lovin'Seddie

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iWatch Harry Potter by Lovin'Seddie

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,597
Published: Sep 6, 2011


Sam's POV

I sauntered into Carly's apartment with a hollow feeling in my tummy-meaning that I needed bacon. Carly and Freddie were sitting on the couch excitedly talking about something.

"Hey, Carls. Hey, Dork." I greeted them. Carly gave me a smile and Freddie stood up and kissed me on the cheek. I blushed a bit and tried to hide the smile that was forming on my face. I quickly wiped his kiss residue off my cheek, but he knows that I like it when he does that.

As if sensing my need for bacon, Carly tells me that there's a pound in the fridge. When I went to the kitchen to get it, Carly and Freddie's voices started rising.

"James deserved Lily more than him; he died so she and her son could live!" Carly yelled.

"Yeah, but he was so mean to her and everybody else when they were young! James was an arrogant little beast!" Freddie exclaimed. What are they fighting about?

As they continued arguing, I sat on the coffee table in front of the couch and watched them like a TV show.

"What are you guys yapping on about?" I asked.

Carly sighed, looking exhausted from the debate she just had. "Just Harry Potter stuff."

I groaned. Everywhere I went, Harry Potter was all anybody talked about. "My childhood is ending! WAAAA!" "What am I supposed to look forward to in life? !"

"What's the big deal?" I complained. "It's only books and movies. It ain't the end of the world!"

Freddie and Carly gasped. "It's way more than books and movies, Sam!" Freddie cried.

"Yeah," Carly agreed. "The author, J.K. Rowling, created a world for people to escape to... it feels like I've grown up with the characters!"

I rolled my eyes. "I honestly can't see how a series could get everybody this worked up! Isn't EVERY kind book supposed to be another world?"

"Sam, you won't understand until you read the books. I think that you'll really like them, you should give them a try!" Freddie encouraged.

"You guys know that I don't read that much, the only real book I've ever finished is the Penny Treasure, and that was just for school. Besides, I've seen the Harry Potter books, and they're like 900 pages! How am I supposed to read them all by the time the last movie comes out?"

"You're right; you would only have 2 days to read the entire series..." Carly paused. "Why don't we have a marathon of all the movies, then? I have them all on DVD; we could finish them in two days."

Freddie brightened. "Good idea! I haven't seen the older ones in a while anyway."

"Fine. But if I don't like the first movie, then I'm not watching the rest of them!" I said.

I slid next to Freddie on the couch while Carly ran upstairs to get the movies.

"I can't wait to see your reaction to the movies... I bet that you'll love them!"

I glared at him. "I bet that I'll hate them!" I challenged.

"If you like them, then you have to let me kiss you and hold your hand at school." I groaned; I hated showing PDA at school... I felt like everybody was watching! "And if you hate them, then I'll give you a foot massage."

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