iLove Sleeping by KeyLimePie14

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iLove Sleeping by KeyLimePie14

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Humor & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 3,321
Published: Jul 21, 2009


Freddie grumbled and sat up on his bed, running his hands through his tousled, brown hair. He sighed and placed his head in his hands. It was the second week in a row that he hadn't been able to sleep. From past nights he knew that he wasn't getting to sleep anytime soon, either. He would drift off to sleep about four just to be rudely awakened by his mother two hours later telling him it was time for school. Freddie didn't even understand where this bout of insomnia had come from. All he knew was he had to find a way to fix it.

After about an hour of surfing the web on his laptop, Freddie leaned back in his chair and sighed. He looked at the clock; it flashed two-thirty. Freddie rubbed his eyes and shut the lid to his computer. He paced around his room trying to figure out a method to get himself to sleep. After a few minutes he stopped in his tracks; he remembered what a certain blond had told him hours ago, before she had walked into her own apartment. Hadn't she said that her mom was out of town for the weekend? Freddie slowly smiled. This was perfect.

Freddie tiptoed out of his room, being careful so as not to wake his mot- Oh, right, Freddie thought, Mom's out of town. Freddie smiled to himself; that meant he didn't have to worry about getting home so fast. Freddie made sure he had his key and quietly slipped out of his apartment. He looked at the apartment door across the hall from his. He wondered if the girl he was looking for was in there or in her own place. Freddie decided he would try her apartment before knocking on his brunette friend's door. He knew how freaked out Spencer could get when he was half asleep.

Freddie walked a couple of steps down the hallway; he was beaming, but he didn't know why he was so happy. Lack of sleep, His brain told him. He raised his fist up to knock on her door. As he did this he remembered the day she moved in.

Her mother had landed a pretty high paying job and decided it was time to move on with her life. So Sam talked her into moving in the apartment that had just become vacant right down the hall from Carly's and right beside his. Her mom obviously agreed.

Freddie sighed as realization hit him. She had moved in two weeks ago, and that was when his insomnia started. Freddie ran a nervous, shaking hand through his hair. He realized that the reason he probably wasn't sleeping was because of her. Because he knew she went to sleep a few feet away from him each night. And that the only thing separating them from each other was a thin wall.

He knocked once more and leaned casually against the door frame. Although inside he felt anything but casual. His heartbeat quickened in his chest as he heard rustling from behind the door. Then, not even a mere two seconds later, the door swung open and a disgruntled Sam stood there. She wasn't wearing much, and Freddie was quick to notice this. She wore an oversized tee that he strangely recognized as his own... Though he had no idea how she had gotten a hold of it, and no pants. Freddie's eyes raked her body up and down. He drank in the smoothness of her long, slender legs, right up to where the shirt hung just above her knee. Then he looked at her face; she was using one fist to rub her eye, her hair was tangled from sleep, but yet, Freddie couldn't help but think she was the most beautiful that he had ever seen her. She dropped her hand and blinked a few times, trying to gain focus. When she saw who was leaning against her doorway with a smirk on his face, no less, she scowled. Why would Freddie Benson be standing at her door at two thirty in the morning? It was beyond her, but she didn't really care. She just wanted to go back to sleep.

"Fredwiener, what do you want?" She barked at him; she shifted on her feet and rested one hand on her hip, still scowling at him. Freddie's smirk just got bigger. He took a step forward and was suddenly inside her apartment. Sam blinked; since when did Freddie get so bold?

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