Stay by

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Stay by

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Langauge: English
Genre: Romance & Drama
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Published: Jun 14


[ sequel to the previous oneshot ]

Not really sure how to feel about it.
Something in the way you move
Makes me feel like I can't live without you.
It takes me all the way.
I want you to stay.

-Rihanna, Stay


Sam Puckett

Everything seems to be happening a little to quickly, the days moving a little hazily, as the ring on Carly's finger seems to glow and glitter under the lights of the streets, the light of the city that are so blindingly brilliant under her gaze.

You're the maid of honor, of course you're the maid of honor, because you're the best friend, and a little voice in your head whispers, whispers, whispers.

You're always the best friend.

You think this as Carly drags you along to fitting after fitting, the material of the dress scratching your back and leaving red marks in the softness of your flesh.

You think you can't take one more store, one more fitting when she drags you to another store, sparkly and glittering lettering lining the top, because you can't take the harsh coldness of reality that feels like a slap in the face, the fact that you are going to lose him, you are going to lose him and let him slip through your fingers.

But there's a harrowing sense rising in you that he was never yours. He was never yours in the first place.

You watch Carly scan through every white dress, sparkly and shiny and perfect, her fingers brushing the scratchy lace as she walks along the edge of the store. You stand by the side, leaning against a fogged mirror that makes your reflection unclear for a moment and try to breathe, because there doesn't seem to be enough oxygen for you, in this enclosed space, where walls close in on you and you suffocate.

"Sam!" Carly suddenly squeals, snapping out of your trance if only for a slight second. "I think I found something that you would love."

You press your uneven nails to the flesh of your arm and smile, a smile that you have practiced in the mirror a little too much, a smile that says I am so happy about all of this, I am happy, I am fine, I can laugh, I can smile. I won't fall apart, I won't break.

"Great," you say, sarcasm filling your voice, as Carly tilts her head backwards and laughs. "Another dress that will leave marks in my skin and I will probably throw in the back of my closet after all of this is over. Are you sure about this, kid?"

She smiles and throws an arm over your shoulders, her slender fingers stroking your skin, where a red, bow shaped grove lies. She hands you a dress that sinks under your fingers; the color glinting under the sunlight, red, the color of blood. You step into the dressing room. "Trust me," she says, her voice soft, comforting, and you relax under her words.

You can trust her, you think, she's your best friend, and of course you can trust her. Of course you can trust this best friend who probably knows you better than you know yourself, the pretty, brunette who's a little too good for you and doesn't realize it.

You don't know when you've come to realize this, the fact that everyone around you is better and sharper and prettier than you and you'll never really deserve them.

Serendipity (Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin