iLove The Dark by Tansy Petals

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iLove the Dark by Tansy Petals

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Friendship
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,974
Published: Jan 8, 2011


"Benson," Sam's voice was dangerous in the absolute darkness, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Sorry," Freddie squeaked gruffly "I... thought you were Carly."

"If you ever try that on Carly then years from now there'll be serial killers having nightmares about what I did to you, assuming they find the body, or what's left of it anyway."

"Don't talk about murder Sam, I'm scared." Carly's voice wavered into her best friend's ears.

"It's okay cupcake, just stay where you are; maybe hold Spencer's hand, you're next to him right?"

"We'll all be fine kiddo, the power'll come back on soon." Spencer reassured his little sister, reaching out blindly to take her hand. Carly shuffled into Spencer, her head coming to rest against his side. He squeezed her shoulders comfortingly.

"Get your hands off me Fredperv, last warning! Next time I'll break your fingers."

"I didn't mean to, I'm just not sure where y- OW! Was that really necessary?"

"Yes, yes it was."

"Guys don't fight." Carly whined and Freddie heard Sam sigh. He reached his hand out slowly and took hold of her shoulder, pulling her closer to him so he could whisper to her; she bumped into his chest.

"Do you think Carly's alright?" he asked before she could complain or threaten him again. "She'll be fine, once the power comes back on. Carly's not a big fan of the dark." Sam replied, her fingers curling around his wrist. She walked slowly to avoid tripping over and got them safely to the stairs where she pushed him onto a step and sat beside him. Freddie moved to the step above, his legs on either side of her tiny frame, "are you alright?"

"I'm great Frednerd, what are you playing at?"

"Well," he murmured, draping his arms over her shoulders, "for someone who's 'great', your heart is beating awfully fast." He was whispering barely above silence now, his lips hovering millimetres from her ear. "Piss off, that has nothing to do with the darkness."

"Really, what could be causing it?" he taunted.

"I'm not above killing you, you know." Sam growled under her breath.

"You wouldn't damage me; that'd upset Carly." His voice was smug, knowing he was right and Sam ground her teeth together in an effort not to retort.

Freddie moved his arms to her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, "relax." Sam huffed moodily and slumped against him with more force than necessary.

"There now," he whispered against the top of her head. "You suck," she mumbled back and Freddie chuckled.

"You two okay?" Spencer called.

"I'm great." Freddie answered, the laughter evident in his voice.

"I'm okay," Sam said pinching his leg, causing him to yelp.

"You sure you're okay Freddie?"

"Yeah..." "For now." Sam added.

"I wish you two were over here." Carly fretted as a wave of thunder crashed overhead.

"We're only a few metres away Carls, the storm'll be over soon and they'll fix the power and everything will be nice again."

"I suppose."

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