Seddie Oneshots: 462 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,853
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Well, Sam might be in detention right now, but on the positive side, this is the first time she's been in all month," Freddie said as him and Carly walked into the Shay's apartment.

"Yeah, that's a record for her," Carly agreed. "And she'll be out in time for you two to watch that movie you wanted on the nature channel about the squirrels."

"I've been looking forward to that for weeks," Freddie grinned.

"Um, why?" Carly chuckled.

"Because it seems that whenever Sam and I go out to the park to just sit or have a picnic or whatever, we get surrounded by squirrels!" Freddie explained. "So I suggested that we watch this movie to see if we can figure out why they're so attracted to us so our dates can stop being ruined."

"Aw, that is cute," Carly smiled. "Weird...but cute."

"I also managed to sneak some real, unhealthy, full of sugar cupcakes into my place," Freddie said. "Chocolate cream, Sam's favorite."

"Your mom would flip if she knew you got those," Carly commented.

"Eh, it's worth it," Freddie shrugged. "It's for Sam."


Later that evening, Carly was sitting in her living room, working on a homework assignment. Spencer was hanging out with Socko at the junkyard and she figured Sam and Freddie were still across the hall at Freddie's, so it looked like she had the evening alone.

Just then, though, the apartment door opened up and Freddie walked in, carrying a box of cupcakes.

"Hey," he said. "Eat some of these cupcakes. I need to get rid of them before my mom comes home in a few hours."

"You mean Sam didn't inhale that whole box?" Carly smirked, helping herself to a cupcake.

"Nah, Sam couldn't make it," Freddie sighed.

"Aw, why not?" Carly frowned. "I thought you guys were watching that squirrel movie."

"So did I, but she called me a little while ago and told me she couldn't make it," Freddie explained. "Apparently one guy from her little detention crew had ring-side tickets to some boxing match so she asked if we could reschedule. I'm recording the movie now and we'll just watch it some other time."

"Oh, well, I'm sorry," Carly said. "I know you were looking forward to spending the night with her."

"It's fine," Freddie shrugged. "She's been wanting to go to a boxing match for months. Getting cupcakes past my mom is one thing, but if she ever found out I went somewhere where guys are paid to beat each other up, she'd never let me leave the apartment again."

"True," Carly agreed. "Well, I guess it's good Sam got it out of her system then. Although she did miss out on some delicious cupcakes. How can your mom ban something so good?"

"Please, my mom bans anything that could bring joy to people," Freddie said, rolling his eyes. "Anyway, I'll just leave these here. Can you try and save at least a few for Sam?"

"Sure," Carly nodded. "I'm sure she'll appreciate that."


The next day at school, Carly stood by her and Sam's locker, waiting for her best friend. Sure enough, a few moments later, Sam came around the corner with a guy Carly recognized as a regular in after-school detention.

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