Seddie Oneshots: 578 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,925
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Dude, you really need to invest in a new T.V.," Sam said as she sat on the Shay's couch, flipping through the channels. "This one has such bad sound quality. I can barely hear Girly Cow's antics."

"Yeah, and you should really upgrade your cable package as well," Freddie nodded, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth. "Right now you're really not getting the most out of your money. If you switch the premium plan with eight hundred channels, you'll not only be saving money, but you'll get the hard drive channel too."

"Oh, well thanks for criticizing my T.V. set up, people who don't live here but come over and eat all my food and hog my living room anyway," Spencer snapped.

"Jeez, don't wazz out," Sam said, rolling her eyes. "Hey, if you want, I can even get you that new T.V. My cousin Polly has a whole bunch of flat screens that she-"

"Do you have to try to get everybody involved in your family's illegal activities?" Freddie said.

"It's not illegal!" Sam defended. "Some moron left the keys to his delivery truck at Inside-Out Burger! That's begging for them to be taken!"

"Are you kidding-"

"Hey, so where's the teen that actually lives here?" Spencer interrupted. "Not that I don't love being stuck in the middle of an argument between her two friends."

"Oh, we left her back at the Groovy Smoothie," Freddie said.

"Yeah," Sam grinned. "She was flirting it up real well with the cute guy she 'accidently' spilled her smoothie on."

"Wait, you guys were at the Smoothie?" Spencer frowned.

"Yeah," Freddie nodded. "Why?"
"Well how come you guys never invite me to go with you there?"

"Because, you're a grown man who needs friends his own age," Sam snapped. "Now seriously, about this T.V. situation-"

Just then the apartment door opened and Carly walked in with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm in love!" she announced happily, flopping down on the couch next to Sam.

"Well, that's the third time this month," Freddie said, popping another piece of popcorn in his mouth.

"So things went well with smoothie guy?" Sam grinned, ignoring Freddie's comment.

"Insanely well," Carly nodded. "His name is Chad and he just moved here from Vermont. He likes romantic comedies, which is so rare in guys these days, he plays baseball, his brother is training to be an he's such a good listener! The two of us talked for almost two whole hours down at the Groovy Smoothie!"

"Which no one invited me to. Again!" Spencer said indignantly.

"Sing a new tune, will you?" Sam retorted. She turned back to her best friend. "So? Are you guys gonna go out or something?"

"Um, yeah," Carly nodded. "Yeah, we-we actually have plans to get dinner this Saturday."

"Oh, nice!" Sam replied. "Hey, you guys should go to that new pizza place by the mall. They have the best breadsticks."

"Oh, um, yeah, maybe," Carly said. "Um...anyway. What-What are you two up to Saturday?"

"I dunno, I'll probably just chill at home and watch a movie," Sam shrugged.

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