They Found Happiness by Her Clear Skies

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They Found Happiness by Her Clear Skies

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Friendship
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,197
Published: Nov 25, 2012


Carly got out of the car and wished Spencer goodnight. She made her way down the stoned path that lead to one of the very few beaches of Seattle. Today officially marked the beginning of the last week of high school for the seniors of Ridgeway High School and there was an overnight party at one of Seattle's very few beaches. The beach had been reserved for only the seniors of Ridgeway.

It was late, almost midnight Carly realized as she checked her phone. She had finished a nice dinner with Spencer and her father. And though she was tired, it was Friday night, and she could hear the soft beat of music playing in the distance. As Carly began to feel Seattle's finest sand slip between her toes, she slipped her flip-flops off and shrugged her overnight bag to her other shoulder. She was surprised to see a calm environment as she got a first glance of the beach. There was a huge group of kids surrounding a Bon-fire. From where she was standing, she could see some kids roasting marshmallows in the dancing flames of the fire. The other kids were either splashing in the water or relaxing under the stars.

She wondered what Sam, Freddie, and Gibby were up to. She couldn't imagine Sam surviving in a big group of people who were singing and telling ghost stories around a campfire. She figured Sam would be in the water trying to playfully drown Freddie, but when she glanced at the water, she could not see them.

There were many tents set up around the beach which made it impossible to see everyone. Carly started walking down the beach towards fire. She was simply wearing a pair of leggings and a sweater, with her bikini underneath. She was surprised she wasn't freezing.

Carly was soon able to feel the faint heat from the fire as she continued to walk. As Carly was zigzagging around the tents she accidentally bumped into someone; Gibby.

"Hey, hey. There you are." Gibby exclaimed, finishing the last bit of the hotdog in his hands. Carly guessed he cooked the hotdog in the fire. "You missed the big dance party."

Carly shrugged. "I was having dinner with Spencer and my dad. I haven't done that since as long as I can remember." A faint smile appeared on her lips. "Did you guys set up the tent yet?"

"Freddie and I set up the tent. Sam just sat there eating a ham sandwich." Carly laughed. "It's set up on the opposite side of the beach."

"Speaking of Sam and Freddie, have you seen them?" Carly asked. "I can't seem to find them."

Gibby shrugged. "The last I saw them, they were headed that way." Gibby pointed to the opposite end of the beach. "They said they would be back soon but I haven't seen them for hours."

"I hope they haven't gotten lost." Carly said. "Or worse, killed each other." Gibby laughed.

Carly soon made her way down the beach towards where Gibby had pointed. She walked for about seven minutes before she had past the very last tent that was set up across the beach and still no sign of Sam or Freddie. Worried, Carly continued to walk a little further until she saw two people sitting on the shoreline a distance away from her. She speed-walked a little faster before she recognized Sam's wavy blond hair.

Sam and Freddie were sitting peacefully side by side on the shoreline with only their feet in the water. What were they doing way out here? Carly thought. Carly walked closer to them and was about to yell out to her friends but she stopped midway because she suddenly heard her name being brought up in their conversation.

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