Chasing Parked Cars by winteredspark

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Chasing Parked Cars by winteredspark

TV » iCarly
Rated: M
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Tragedy
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 5,067
Published: May 5, 2011



I wanted to fly,

like Superman does,

and feel tremendous;


It goes like: lips bruising, legs tangling, fingernails digging into the bare skin of his hips.

(but most of all -)

She breathes into the side of his neck, breathing out the letters to a prayer he will never understand, and then slides away from him. Space floats between them and he wonders why he didn't see it before, because they'll never change.

"Leaving?" he wonders quietly.

"Call me when you get your priorities straight." A ruffle of her blonde hair - her fingers, because she won't let him touch her now - and she's gone like a shadow he can never seem to catch.

(-smashing, breaking with words soft like velvet.)

His fingers dig into the mattress -


"How can you be so cruel," he asks, fingers sliding along her skin, gripping her wrist and trying to tug her towards him.

Her lips press against cell bars, those blue eyes haunted, glowing.

"Try remembering when I wasn't." Then she's sliding into the darkest corner where he can't see her, where he has to leave because he just can't take knowing -


- that their fingers fit together so perfectly.

"You know the only reason I'm allowing this is because you're paying for my ice cream, right?" she asks him with that smirk of hers that makes him grit his teeth.

He smiles back at her and their knees brush under the table, releasing a whole new flood of questions; this is something they don't discuss, just do, because that's the kind of person Sam is. She's been trying to convince him to lighten up and act out a little for months, but he refutes her claims with various theorems that have her mocking him all over again.

"Why do you have that look on your face?" She takes an exceptionally loud slurp of her rainbow ice cream - at least it's not Dippin' Dots; he'd be scrubbing stains out of his clothes for hours - and he realizes yet again how one-of-a-kind she is.

"What look?" He arches an eyebrow, confused.

"The one that says you're thinking about something extremely nubbish," Sam says. "Or sex - one of the two."

He turns an interesting shade of red and tries to ignore her amused snorts of laughter. "I don't - I'm not -"

"Deny it all you want," she says lightly. "Who is she? Megan Fox? Miley Cyrus?"

"Miley Cyrus is under the apparent delusion that the world's economic crisis can be solved by partying," he says sharply.

Sam pauses, looks at him with those blue eyes until he's squirming uncomfortably. Unlike most girls, he can never quite read Sam's eyes; they're always hidden behind a thin layer of sardonic carelessness, enough so that he wonders if she particularly enjoys his company or is just humoring him.

"Alright then," Sam mumbles finally, "if you're going to be such a nub about it -"

"If you're going to insult me," Freddie shoots right back, already irritated with the blonde, "you could at least go with something sophisticated like punctilious."

Serendipity (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora