Seddie Oneshots: 452 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,180
Published: Dec 5, 2010


[ quemma ]

"I can't believe this! It's like the world hates me!"

"Emma, you're being dramatic," Sam said, rolling her eyes as her and Freddie helped their daughter into her bed. "You have a sprained ankle, not the plague."

"Yeah honey, you just need to rest for a few days," Freddie said. "I figured you'd be pretty pumped about getting to stay in bed; it's usually a giant battle to get you up."

"But it's the middle of track season!" Emma moaned. "I'm gonna miss the big race next week!"

"The doctor said you should be fine by then, as long as you stay off your feet," Sam told her. "So don't move around and you'll still get to compete."

"This is all stupid Ashton's fault," Emma mumbled. "I tripped over her shoe. This is why I need my own room! I can't live with all her junk in here!"

"You have just as much junk in this room as she does," Freddie said.

"Well my junk hasn't almost killed her!" Emma exclaimed. "Yet…"

"Okay, just relax, don't plot to kill your sister," Sam said. "Your dad and I will be downstairs, so if you need anything, all you have to do is yell and we'll come up here and-"

Just then there was a knock at the bedroom door and Sam and Freddie turned around to see Quincy standing in the doorway.

"Ashton let me up," Quincy told them as he stepped into the room. "I came over to see how she's doing."

"My ankle feels like it's gonna fall off," Emma said, crossing her arms.

"She's real peachy," Sam said, her voice dripping in sarcasm. She turned back to Freddie. "Well, if Quincy's up here, we're off the clock for a few hours. Let's go downstairs and watch T.V. or something before we have to start running up here every ten minutes."

"Okay," Freddie agreed. Before he left the room, though, he turned back to the two teens.

"This door stays open. Got it?"

"Got it," Quincy said quickly.

Once Sam and Freddie left he sat down next to Emma. "So it really hurts?"

"What do you think?" Emma snapped. "It's sprained!"

"Well, lucky for you, I brought you some stuff to take your mind off of the pain," Quincy said brightly, ignoring his girlfriend's tone. "I have season 2 of Stupid Mall Cop Accidents on DVD, a giant bag of Fudge Rocks, a few cans of that iced tea you like and this funny looking magazine I saw at the store that rates the most awkward looking clowns from around the country."

Emma's expression lightened. "Wow…you really know your stuff."

"You think I don't know you well enough to know what would make you feel better?" Quincy grinned, leaning down to give her a quick kiss. "Wanna watch that DVD now?"

"Later," Emma said, moving over on her bed. "Just…lay here with me."

"Um," Quincy frowned, looking over his shoulder at the open door. "Your dad will murder me."

"We're just laying together, moron," Emma said, rolling her eyes. "What happened to all that stuff you said about wanting me to be more 'romantic'? This is as much romance and mushy junk as you're gonna get out of me!"

"Fine, but if your dad kills me, I'm blaming you," Quincy said, laying down next to her, putting his arm around her. "So Ashton told me the doctor said you only need to stay off your ankle for a maximum of three or four days. That's good news right."

"I still might have to miss my track meet next week," Emma said miserably. "It's gonna take awhile for me to get back up to where I was…"

"Well then you still have more meets," Quincy shrugged. "It won't do you any harm to miss one. Everyone needs a break every now and then anyway."

"No, I really needed to run at this meet," Emma sighed.

"Why?" Quincy asked.

"Because," Emma mumbled. "I-Okay, I didn't want to say anything, but…my coach told me that there were a few college scouts coming to this meet to watch me run. If-If they liked me they might've offered me a scholarship for next year."

"Whoa, Emma! That's huge!" Quincy grinned.

"I know it's huge! And that's why I didn't want to say anything," Emma said. "Especially not to my parents. They'd freak out and that would just wind up freaking me out, and-and if I didn't wind up getting any scholarships or anything, they'd be disappointed."

"I'm sure they wouldn't," Quincy said.

"Yeah they would," Emma said heavily. "I mean…they pretty much already know I'm not gonna wind up being as successful as Ashton after high school. She gets better grades, she does all these clubs…sports was the one thing I had over her. And if I can't even make that work…what do I have?"

"You have a lot," Quincy said at once. "You're funny, you're brave, you're-"

"None of that stuff's gonna do me any good when I'm trying to get into college," Emma pointed out. "Face it. If I can't I can't get this track scholarship, I'm doomed."

"You're not doomed," Quincy said firmly. "You're only doomed if you keep thinking like that. Look, even if you don't get to run next week, there will be other scouts. You're one of the best runners in the state, probably the country. Do you really think you're only going to attract a few scouts. Trust me, you'll have offers coming out your ears. But even without track, you could still get yourself into college or do whatever else you wanted with your life. You're one of the most driven, determined people I know. If you want to do something, you're going to do it."

Emma looked up at him. "You really think that? You actually think I could get into college without sports if I had to?"

"Absolutely," Quincy nodded. "As long as you tell yourself you're gonna do it."

Emma looked down at her lap. "Well…thanks. No one's ever told me that before."

Quincy smiled at her, giving her another kiss.

"Hey," Emma whispered, grinning as they pulled apart. "I think my dad's gonna be downstairs for awhile…wanna close the door?"

"Okay," Quincy agreed, getting up and walking across the door to very quietly close the door.

The second the door shut, though, they heard Freddie's voice all the way from downstairs.

"I said that door stayed open! Don't make me come up there!"

"How did he do that?" Quincy asked, amazed as he quickly opened the door.

"Who knows," Emma sighed.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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