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Chapter 2: Day 2


The 'Guide to A Well Rounded Teenager' book she had purchased on Freddie's 13th Birthday had a rule on page 221; do not let your teen sleep in, it leads to laziness in later life. So, bright and early that morning, the second the sun began to rise, she made her way in to the kids rooms.

"Wake up sleepy heads!" She sung, triggering three loud groans.

"Mom, it's 8:15!" Freddie groaned, "One more hour?"

"You know the rule Freddie, tell Carly and Sam the rule."

Only another groan was heard as he pulled his covers back over his head.

"Freddie!" She snapped, "The rule we learnt at mother/son camp?"

He sighed, "If you sleep in late, it will certainly suck. So you better get up and you'll have all the luck."

Snorts and giggles erupted from the bed the girls were sleeping in and Mrs Benson left the room satisfied that she had said enough to get them out of their beds.

"Your mom is crazy Benson!" She heard Sam say, just as she was leaving.

"Try living with her." Freddie mumbled.

Mrs Benson sighed. After all she was was an intelligent woman and she was not unaware of how her actions may effect Freddie. She had often heard his friends joke and giggle about the way she treats her son. Freddie may think she is oblivious but she most certainly is not. Though at the end of the day, she is only doing what's best for her son. Some may call it eccentric, she simply calls it love.

She had first heard of the Lakeside camp from a brochure that was handed out at Freddie's parent and teacher meeting. It advertised a remote location full of brain exercise activities. It sounded the perfect place to take his son and his friends. All of whom, in her opinion, spend too long in front of their computer screens.

Mrs Benson began to pack everything they would need for the day, from lunch to antiseptic ointment when all three teenagers showed up fully clothed. Each looking like they had been up all night, which wouldn't be surprising considering she had heard whispers coming from their room at some point in the early morning.

"Where are we even going?" Sam asked rubbing her eyes and yawning.

"You kids are going on the hiking challenge," She told them excitedly. "One forest, one map and the clothes on your back!"

"So . . . we just go hiking?" Carly asked.

"Yes, but don't worry! There's wardens everywhere patrolling the forest to make sure you're safe," She assured them.

"Damn!" Sam moaned. "There goes my escape plan!"

To Mrs Benson's surprise, Freddie laughed, "I have to agree with Sam, isn't hiking a bit . . ."

"Lame," Sam finished for him.

She shook her head, "You're going whether you like it or not. Now take the bags I've packed for you. The maps and compasses are inside so you kids go and enrich your minds with the outdoors. There's a tour guide waiting downstairs to tell you where to go."

Staring back at her she only saw three blank faces, "Have a good day kids!" She smiled, gesturing them out of the door.

She watched them leave, their mumbles of complaints growing less audible as they walked further down the corridor. Mrs Benson took a deep breath, assuring herself again that they were in no danger. Of course, in her eyes it was a good idea to triple check with the manager that they would be looked after properly. So she took her bag and went to begin a long day, full of worry as she waited for the hike to be over.

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