Seddie Oneshots: 374 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.,
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"So has your mom calmed down yet about this whole thing?" Carly asked Freddie.

"No, she's still dead set against me moving all the way to Massachusetts," Freddie sighed. "This morning I caught her trying to throw one of my suitcases out the window."

"Guppy did that to me one time because he was jealous that our dad was taking me on a fishing trip and not him," Gibby said. "I just got the last of my underwear out of the tree..."

"Well, I know your mom's not exactly the most sane person at any time," Spencer said. "But you've got to admit, Massachusetts is pretty far from Seattle."

"I know," Freddie nodded. "But it's MIT!"

"Yeah, and we're all really proud that you got in there," Carly smiled. "But you know, if you want to change your mind right now at the last minute and come to Washington State with Sam, Gibby and me..."

"Believe me, that's very tempting," Freddie grinned.

"Nah," Carly said. "I was just kidding. Going to MIT has been your dream pretty much your whole life, and you deserve to go."

Suddenly Gibby threw his arms around Freddie. "Oh comes the waterworks," he sniffed.

"Gib, just because I'm leaving you guys doesn't mean we're not going to stay buds," Freddie assured him. "I promise, I'll call you and Carly and Spencer and Sam all the time."

"Hey, where is Sam?" Spencer asked, starting to clean up some of the scattered paper plates and plastic cups that littered the apartment. "She didn't come to Freddie's going away party, did she?"

"No, I have no idea where she is," Carly frowned. "She knew the party was starting around eight, and she was actually supposed to come by earlier and-"

"Yo yo," Sam said, letting herself into the apartment. She looked around. "So...some party."

"You missed the party!" Carly exclaimed. "Everyone left about an hour ago."

"Oh, well, I fell asleep," Sam shrugged. She turned to Freddie. "So, Fredwash, you excited to finally get away from your mentally unstable mother?"

"Um, yeah, a little," Freddie nodded. "I mean I'll miss her, but-"

"Hey, while you're in Massachusetts you should check out the Worlds Longest Shoelace," Sam cut him off. "Man, that thing's supposed to be over four hundred yards!"

"I'll be sure to check it out," Freddie said.

"Who would wear a four hundred yard shoelace?" Gibby asked.

"You don't wear it, Gibwad," Sam snapped. "You look at it and admire it."

"Um, so-so Freddie," Carly said. "What time are you supposed to be at the airport tonight?"

"Well my plane leave at two in the morning, so I should probably start leaving for the airport in a few minutes," Freddie said slowly.

"Oh!" Carly mumbled, giving Freddie a big hug. "I'm going to miss you so much. It's going to be weird not having iCarly's technical producer across the hall telling me stories about his batty mom and the latest Pear Company news that I really don't care about."

"I'll miss you too, Carls," Freddie said, hugging her back.

"Okay, you've had your turn!" Gibby exclaimed, shoving Carly out of the way so he could hug Freddie again. "Oh, I promised myself I'd be strong!"

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