iHorror by SeddieAnonymous

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Chapter 5



Sam sleeps quietly on my bed as I sit at my desk, getting ready for tomorrow's classes we have. She stirs in her sleep, pulling the covers more on her. After arriving back, Spencer grounded Carly on the spot, because she never replied back to his text messages. I didn't say anything to my mom about the house.

I told her Sam had a sugar rush during trick-or-treating and ended up running into a pole. As stupid as it sounded saying out loud, she bought into it. Tending to Sam in my bed and then giving me strict orders to keep her there.
Sam is probably going to question why she is wearing my mom's old high school lacrosse shirt and Boston College sweatpants. She starts to groan indicating that she is awakening. I come over to the side of the bed.

"Where's the ghost bitch?" She asks.

"Gone." I reply. She opens her eyes and notices that she is in my room. Turning in the bed, she looks at me. Pursing her lips.

"I forgot how comfy this bed is." I bite my bottom lip at the memories shared of just the two of us.


"Well, that was a pretty scary night."

"Yeah,your telling me. Watch one friend get possessed by a ghost and the other just, almost, dying."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just try to forget that ever happened."

"Sorry to tell you, but this will be one of the most memorable halloweens I have ever had."

"Better than the year Carly literally puked out a rainbow from all the skittles she ate?"

"Yes." She hits me in the arm. She sits up and looks around.

"I think I should head home now." She says.

"My mom is not going to let you go home in your condition."


"You have two bumps on your head, and your neck has the possibility of a whiplash."

"Go, Marissa!" She jokes. "So, where are you going to sleep?"

"In the guest room." I reply. I get up, take my phone from the bedside table and start walking towards the door.

"Freddie," Sam says. I turn back to her, holding tight to the sheets. "
I think I'm gonna have a nightmare tonight." She finishes. Smirking at the fact that she isn't scared at all, I get her invitation. I jump into bed and get under the covers with her. She giggles, putting her arm around me. Nuzzling her head into the nook of my shoulder. Feeling her thumb rub against my chest, it calms me down.

"This won't be the first time you and I have shared a bed." I say.

"Yes, let's just hope this time your mom won't scream in the morning." Sam comments, walking her fingers along my chest. Picking up her head, our eyes lock with intensity. Slowly leaning in, she kisses me passionately with her tongue. As if our mouths were two perfectly fitted puzzle pieces. She maneuvers herself on top of me; her hands cupping my face and my hands on her thighs. It becomes very hot between our two bodies in a matter of seconds. Pulling off her shirt swiftly, I cup her perfectly rounded breasts in my hands causing her to make soft moans. She goes for my shirt, with our hands we trace every nook and cranny of each other's bodies. Sam sits up for a moment.

"You pretty much know where this is going." She says seductively. That's when I notice a white mist behind her. A ghostly hand wraps around her throat and she starts to choke on air. The face of the ghost maid appears with another hand holding a knife. Running the blade against her throat, slicing it open, blood gushes out from her body. I scream as Sam's lifeless body falls on me, blood going everywhere.



"And I thought I was stupid." Sam comments with her feet on the heart monitor. I roll my eyes.

"Hey, feet." Nurse Kelly says to her. Sam brings her feet down. I look to Freddie in the hospital bed.

"When will he wake up?" I ask.

"He inhaled that concoction for a good three minutes. So he should be waking up any minute now." She says.

"Does Mrs. Benson know?"

"She's delivering triplets right now. Do you think the crazy woman should know?" She pretty much answered my question.

"How's Tim?"

"Sleep talking about burritos."

"I need to listen to this." Sam says running out to the hallway. The nurse checks the monitors and then leaves; her long red hair disappears into the hallway.

I look at Freddie; Congratulations, Freddie. You put yourself in a hospital.

I sit down in the seat in the far corner. Pulling out my phone, I occupy myself with apps. I look over to motionless Freddie, quickly looking back to my phone as I am texting my friend Emilia who is currently in math class. Heavy murmurs become heard. I think it's the woman who boiled herself in the room next door. Soon I hear a faint 'Sam.'

"Carly, I got a great video for iCarly." Sam says coming into the room. She stops and looks over to Freddie. "Why is Freddork saying my name?" She asked me.

"Well, he should be waking any minute so maybe he's coming into the light."

"He isn't dying."

"You get the metaphor!" Sam rolls her eyes and sits on the side of the bed, looking down at Freddie.

I watch her slip in her hand into his; awe she does care. Then she starts playing with his lifeless body 'Why are you hitting your self?' Why must she do this?

Counting the number of slaps across his face and texting Emilia about it, Freddie suddenly awakens screaming Sam's name in bloody murder. Like, literally screaming: "Sam's murdered!" I run over to his side, but Sam is already holding him down saying soft words, "I'm here Freddie."

She quickly grew annoyed and panicked,

"Hold it together, Freddie!" Sam yelled before actually slapping him across the face. He stops his horror rant and looks around. I am very surprised Nurse Kelly has not returned.

"What happened?" He asks. I open my mouth to tell the three minute story of his stupidity, but Sam starts before me.

"You and Tim had created something within the combination of laughing gas and chloroform. So when the mixture had started to boil, you two breathed it in causing you two to fall into a state of dream. You've been out of it for exactly an hour and a half."

"So I dreamed?"

"Yes." He takes a deep breath.

" Thank God for that." Combing his fingers through his hair.

"Why?" I ask.

"Nothing really, just a bad dream." He replies. Just looking out the window. Probably keeping his thoughts and dreams to himself. Sam's phone starts to beep as if she got a text message. Taking her phone out of her pocket, she examines it.

"Eric Garrison texted me; inviting me to wander the old Clarke house Halloween night." She says.

"I'm gonna let him know that I'm gonna join." Starting to text back, Freddie takes her phone out of her hands and throws it to the wall in front of us, almost hitting the television. Breaking into a million pieces.

"What the hell, Freddie?" She screams. With his arms crossed upon his chest he simply answers,

"I saved you. Trust me on this." Sam and I look at one another in amazement probably both thinking the same thing, ' What the fuck?'

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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