iAm Not The One by Alexia Astraea

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iAm Not The One by Alexia Astraea

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,098
Published: Mar 25, 2009


[ pre - seddie ]

It was something he dreamed about for years. His first love across the table from him, casually dressed up, smiling at him with those pearly whites and kind eyes. Her precious face made him uneasy as he shifted in his chair and raised his menu to cover his face.

He had always expected to be slightly uncomfortable on their first date but... he always expected it to be from nerves. Fumbling with somewhat awkward conversation, anxious before the moment when they would enviably kiss, and then finally feel this overwhelming relief and happiness as the dark brunette would fall into his side and they would walk down the streets of Seattle completely in their own world.

Perhaps, the thing that made him the most uncomfortable was the fact that this uneasiness he felt wasn't for the reasons he previously anticipated. All he could do was peak over the menu, see the joyful and kind eyes of Carly Shay and wonder why in the known universe he wasn't grinning like an idiot. Or why the "butterflies" in his stomach felt more like knots. Idiot-grins and butterflies, that's how it's supposed to be when you're on your first date with the girl of your dreams right?

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked politely, snapping Freddie out of his thoughts.

"Yes, I am." Carly said smoothly and looked over toward Freddie, "You?"

"Yes! O-of course." He said hastily, while quickly scanning over the menu. He couldn't really justify not being ready when he stared at the menu for the past ten minutes instead of his date.

The waiter looked at Freddie, expecting his orders, but soon turned to Carly. "As they say: ladies first." He said with the best smile he could muster to hide his slight annoyance towards his obviously unprepared customer.

Carly gave him an understanding smile, trying to excuse her friend, before giving her order to the man.

He nodded and turned to the techie, pen and pad in hand. "And you, sir?"

"Uhh... Spaghetti and meatballs please."

The waiter nodded. "And the sauce?"

"Uh! Red! Red's fine!" He replied quickly, caught off guard, he didn't know they had different type of sauces. In reality, there was hardly time for him to actually look at the menu. Freddie saw 'meatballs' and thought it was exactly what he wanted, he didn't waste time looking over the details.

"Tomato sauce... Of course. How very... original." The waiter replied un-amused. "Soup or salad?"

"Uh... Soup."

"And what kind?"


The waiter stared at him for a few seconds, wondering if he was serious, before finally giving a nod. "Chili... It... Is..." He muttered back while taking their menus and leaving.

Carly let out a small laugh. "Freddie! You typically don't want to annoy the waiter. You never know, he could spit in your food or something."

A rush of heat rose to his cheeks. "Yeah... I guess you're right."

Carly looked around, "Y'know in a place like this they kinda expect you to be prepared."

The restaurant wasn't exactly first class dining, but it was definitely a step up from the Cheesecake Warehouse. Okay, maybe more than a step up. It was fancy enough that some conducted business dinners here but not so fancy that a fifteen year old couldn't afford it. (Especially when he's been saving for such an event.) Convention even called for both of them to be somewhat dressed up. Him in a nice pair of slacks and her in a dress.

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