Fire On Ice by iCarlyRox18

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Fire on Ice by iCarlyRox18

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Humor & Friendship
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Published: Aug 4, 2012
Updated: Aug 11, 2012


The first time he saw her ice skating was out of the blue. No, it wasn't a date. It wasn't the three of them hanging out and skating. It was just her on the rink. With Freddie standing by the side and watching.

In other words, Freddie seeing her ice skate for the first time was a complete accident.

It was a late Sunday afternoon, and apparently Carly had to pick up Spencer from Canada again because he fell asleep on the bus... yet again. She had called Freddie in a rush and instructed him to pick up Sam at the Seattle Frozen Oval Ice Rink a couple of blocks down from Bushwell, adding with a seething warning, "Whatever you do, do not go inside. Just call her and explain to her my whole issue with Spencer and ask her to come out. Okay?" To which he confusedly replied, "Ooo-kay?"

Completely oblivious to Sam's ability to even ice skate at all, he didn't question Sam's being there and drove to the ice rink, since he really had nothing to do at all - what with his homework being finished and no one else to hang out with.

He parked in the vast, mostly empty parking lot apart from two other cars and pulled out his phone to call her. But before he could, his mind suddenly picked up on the fact that she was here essentially alone.

He assumed the two cars were other employees' cars, then figured that she had somehow gotten a job there without his knowing. Deciding not to think about it any further, he finally dialed her, and after the eighth unanswered dial tone, he took his chances and hopped out of his car and into the building.

Maybe he should've thought it through a little more than he did. After all, it was Sam Puckett they were dealing with, right? On any other occasion, his legitimate, rational mind would have been more than happy to stay in the car and keep dialing until she picked up, all in good intention to avoid a very likely beating. But for some reason, he just didn't care, and maybe his own curiosity as to what the chiz Sam was doing in an ice skating rink just won him over.

Either way, he was going to find out once he got through those doors.

With nobody manning the ticket booth, he noticed the chart of hours posted on the window and scrolled his gaze down to Sunday.

SUNDAY - 9 AM to 6 PM

He checked the time on his PearPhone, noticing that they'd been long since closed, it being 7:12 and all. Growing even more curious, he turned into the vast hallway and into the doors of the ice rink, shivering at the rush of cool air that brushed past his body as he walked in.

And ho-ly chiz.

Aside from the fact that the rink was the biggest damn oval he'd ever seen in his entire life...

He couldn't believe how graceful that sexy myriad of curves on the ice looked. It was like the Sam on the ice wasn't the Sam he knew at all. The fiery blonde demon somehow had managed to look absolutely... sensual. It was like watching flames burn elegantly on ice. And it was quite a sight to see.

She skated backwards so fast he wondered how long she'd been doing this, and when she grabbed her foot and brought her right leg up parallel to her body and held it there while she skated on one skate, it absolutely took his breath away, leaving his slightly parted lips in a single rush of white puffs. When she continued to bend her legs in more ways than he thought humanly possible, all while skating on one foot, he thought he'd seen the best ice skater in the world.

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