Seddie Oneshots: 460 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,803
Published: Dec 5, 2010


[ sequel to #450 ]

Freddie Benson stifled a yawn as he flipped through channels on the Shay's television.

This certainly wasn't the ideal way for a teenage boy to spend a Friday night, but he didn't have many other options.

Carly and Spencer were visiting their granddad in Yakima, Gibby was out enjoying his dream job as the new Pini's men's room attendant and his mother was the whole reason he was over in the Shay's empty apartment in the first place, for she had just bought a new tick vacuum and was eager to test it out.

And then there was Sam, who was out with Shawn.

It still broke Freddie's heart any time he thought about him with her. They had been together a little over a month now and he knew they'd probably be together much longer than that.

Why'd she have to move on? Freddie thought miserably to himself. Why couldn't we have made it work again? Why-Why'd I let her go in the first place?

Freddie believed that this whole thing would be a lot easier for him to handle if he could at least find some reason to hate that stupid Shawn guy. But he had to admit it; Shawn was a pretty great guy. He treated Sam with respect, just like she deserved. He held doors open for her, he carried her books for her, he found any excuse to buy her flowers, and he even wrote her love poems. Plus, as if that wasn't bad enough, he was nice to him too! He didn't rub it in his face that he was now dating his ex-girlfriend; in fact, he always seemed to make sure to keep any affection between him and Sam to a minimum when Freddie was around.

At least she's happy, Freddie reminded himself. That's all that counts...that's all I want.

Freddie turned off the T.V. suddenly wanting nothing more than to just curl up in his own bed and to try and forget all about Sam and Shawn, and how much fun they must be having right now on their date.

Just as he was about to get to his feet, thought, the apartment door opened and Sam walked in, wearing a dark blue dress that hugged her body perfectly.

Freddie's stomach began to do flip-flops at once.

"Oh, hey," Sam said, surprised to see him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just watching T.V.," Freddie replied. "I was about to go back home though."

Sam nodded. "Um, Carly here?"

"No, she's in Yakima, remember?"
"Oh," Sam mumbled. "That's right."

"Why are you here?" Freddie asked, looking at his watch. "It's not even ten yet. I thought you were out with Shawn."

"Yeah, I was," Sam sighed.

"Your date ended early?"

"I guess you can say that," Sam shrugged. "Breaking up does tend to bring dates to a close."

Freddie's eyes widened. "What? You-You broke up?"

Sam nodded.

Freddie's first instinct was to jump up in the air for joy. Shawn was out of the picture now, and Sam was single again!

But the look on her face kept his feet firmly on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry," Freddie said as she kicked her heels off. "Are you okay?"

Serendipity (Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें