You're O n t o Me by KeyLimePie14

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you're o n t o me by KeyLimePie14

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Friendship & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 1,896
Published: 8/13/2011


You groan, rolling over to shove your face into the pillows, not wanting to get up and go to Carly's like you're supposed to, and silently praying that you'll accidently suffocate and this nightmare will be over, a distant memory. You wish, sometimes (most of the time), that you would have never fallen in love with him. He's the prey, you're the predator. Last time you checked, lions don't search for a mate in a gazelle, they eat them. Oh, if only you could be a lion. Things might be simpler, might make more sense. But maybe, deep down inside you there is a feeling that tells you that you and he were never enemies, that maybe you were always destined to be friends...or something more (if he would allow it because lord, you're already on board).

No matter how hard you try you can't get him out of your head. You like to think that he can't get you out of his, but there's always a little tug at the bottom of your heart that tells you he probably doesn't think about you as often as you do about him. You did the thing you promised yourself you would never do; you brought your walls down for someone to enter the sanctuary you'd built around yourself. And for some reason you can't comprehend, you trust him with your heart. Even though he will probably break it, you trust him to hold onto it, and clutch it for dear life.

Carly doesn't understand what you're going through. It's so easy for her to show her feelings- she wears them on her sleeve. Sometimes you wish you could be more like her, not afraid to feel, not afraid to love. After all, that was part of the reason he fell in love with her. She's everything you're not, how could he not see past that? You admit that it's crazy to hope that he'll love you, but that's just it, maybe all it takes is a little hope?

All of the boys who you've been attracted to in the past seem insignificant to Freddie, but you don't want to sound cliché in saying that it seems as if the stars have aligned for you. It's anything but that; you don't believe in fate. Everything happens for a reason. One action leads to another, causing a domino effect. Bad decisions result in outcomes likewise. Good decisions... well, you haven't made many of those. You used to consider your kisses with Freddie good (great) decisions, but you aren't so sure about that any more...

You would never say it out loud, but it's less of the stars aligning as it is gravity pulling you towards him...

Sooner or later you're bound to crash in a cloud of fire and smoke.

Once in a while you stare. You can't help it, really. His smile, (oh god, help you because you're starting to sound - think - like Carly) as cheesy as it sounds, is one of your favorite things to look at. Although a close second is his eyes (please, someone needs to fetch you a barf bag).

It's been a few weeks since you kissed him (but he didn't kiss back) and now every time your eyes meet with his (which isn't often; you like to avoid it) something weird happens, something even weirder than the butterflies that erupt in your tummy, making you want to vomit, or cry out your feelings in hysteria. His eyes will drift down your face to rest on your lips, then they trail on past... down your chest to your legs all the way to the toes of your shoes. You can always feel the heat rise to your cheeks when he does that. It makes you feel naked even though you know he couldn't possibly be thinking about slamming you against a wall and kissing you hard and fast, his warm breath trickling across your neck...

"Puckett, come on. Carly's outside waiting for us," Your eyes snap to the door, where Freddie is standing, holding your jacket in his hand and looking impatient. You huff in annoyance and stride across the room and grab your jacket from his hand, not bothering to shrug it on as you exit the apartment. Behind you, he laughs and you imagine him shaking his head, his brown hair shaking as he does so. You smile a little as the door slams shut and he nudges your shoulder with his, challenging you to a race to Carly.

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