Seddie Oneshots: 610 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: June 13, 2015


"So do you guys have any fun plans for tonight?" Freddie asked loudly as him, Sam and Carly sat up in the iCarly studio. "If you do, I'm gonna have to pass on them, because I am already busy."

"Who says we'd invite you anyway?" Sam said swiftly, not looking up from her Pearpad.

"I can't do anything tonight because I'll be going on a date," Freddie continued, ignoring Sam's comment. "That's right. A date."

"Weird," Sam said, finally looking up. "You've said this about ten thousand times today and I still don't care."

"Are you going on another date with that Kendall girl?" Carly asked before Freddie could respond.

"Yeah, I am!" Freddie grinned. "Aw man, Carly, she's great! We've been out three times already, and I can already tell we have a real connection. She's smart, she's funny, she has no arrest record. I'm telling you, I really know how to pick them."
"You do not!" Sam snapped. "Your mom set you up with that chick! If her dermatologist didn't mention he had a lonely daughter, you wouldn't have even met Kendra."
"Kendall," Freddie corrected. "And-And-Okay, fine. So my mom set me up with her. It doesn't matter. The point is I'm really happy with her and I have so much fun when I'm around her. Fun that doesn't leave me all bruised and bleeding."

"So are you and Kendall like, boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Carly asked.

"Well, like I said, it has only been three dates," Freddie said. "I don't know if I'd start putting labels on stuff. But if things keep going this well, which I know they will, I can definitely see me and Kendall being together for a long time."

"That's one prison sentence not even the worst criminal should have to suffer through," Sam sneered.

"Sam..." Carly sighed.

"Let her make her little comments," Freddie said, rolling his eyes. "I don't care. I don't need her seal of approval on who I date. Anyway, is Spence home? I'm taking Kendall to the Cheesecake Warehouse and I want to borrow a nice jacket or something."

"He should be home soon, he went with T-Bo to the movies," Carly replied. "Hey, speaking of Kendall though...when are you gonna let us meet her?"

"Meet her?" Freddie repeated slowly.

"Yeah, you've been talking about her nonstop since your first date with her," Carly chuckled. "When do we finally get to put a face to the name?"

"Ummm..." Freddie said, glancing over at Sam. "Um, I-I don't-"

"Sam will behave herself," Carly assured him knowingly. "Won't you, Sam?"

"Um, I don't really like committing to things I know I'm-"

"Sam..." Carly said firmly, giving her best friend a look.

Sam groaned. "Alright!

"There you go," Carly smiled at Freddie.

"Um, okay then," Freddie shrugged. "I-I guess I can bring Kendall by after school tomorrow."

"Great," Carly said. "I can't wait."

"Yeah, it's probably good for us to meet her," Sam said. "That way we can alert the mental hospital that she's escaped. I mean who else would be crazy enough to fall for this nub?"

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