Linger by Apparently Awesome

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Linger by Apparently Awesome

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 5,738
Published: Nov 4, 2009


12 different occasions where Sam's touch lingers on Freddie

1) My dad died. My mom was broken after that. I had to stay strong for her, so I didn't cry. When he passes, it didn't really hit me that he was gone forever. When it finally did, it was the funeral, while I watched him being lowered into the ground. Carly and Sam stood beside me with comforting words and hugs from Carly, and rubs on the back and a comforting hand on the shoulder form Sam. I held in my tears, to stay strong for my mom.

Later, that night, I really needed someone. Someone to talk to or to just be there. She was the first who came to mind. I just tacked it up to me not wanting to show Carly my weaken state, as to why I didn't think of her first. Why chose Sam, I didn't know. She was probably the last person anyone would come crying to.

Everything was kind of a blur to me after that thought. I don't remember how, but the next thing I remember is knocking on Sam's front door. Tears were streaming down my face and blurring my vision, then Sam answered the door.

"Fre- Freddie, are you-"

I basically broke down crying, my tears staining her clothes and wetting her shoulder. I barely felt her guiding me, by my arm, inside while my face was buried in her shoulder. I barely heard her close the door and sit me on the couch next to her.

She didn't say much as my sobs echoed through her living room. She held me and let me cry, holding her close to me. She rubbed my back in a comforting manner, though she felt awkward. She tried, and that was good enough for me.

After a while, I couldn't cry anymore. Our positions of sitting had changed. She was resting her head on a pillow, lying against the arm of the couch. Her body was pressed against the back of the couch to make room for me. I was laying in front of her with my head resting on the first seat cushion. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and she seemed more comfortable with the whole comforting thing. I was mumbling to her; that, or whimpering.

"He's gone."

She sighed, "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"Why are-"

"This isn't your thing; comforting, and I-"

"Dork," she interrupted, "don't apologize. Just- don't."

The corners of my mouth turned a little to a faint smile and I nodded. That was the bit of normalcy I needed.

"Thanks, Sam."

"You're welcome, Fredward."

2) The pain reverberated through my foot and it felt near numb. The pain almost made me forget how to breathe for a second.

What happened? She stepped on my foot. Who is she? Sam, of course. What did I do to deserve it? All I said was that her hair looked pretty. She had it straightened and up in a messy ponytail. Carly wanted her to try new styles. She had strands hanging from both side, lining her face a little.

Most girls would take that as a complement, but not Sam. She wasn't like most girls. As a matter a fact, she would be classified as her own type of girl. She was defiantly one of a kind and I'd never met a girl like her.

A normal girl would enjoy a complement about how she looked, or the good deeds they've done. A normal person would enjoy that, but Sam; she would smack someone for even thinking she looked hot, depending on who it was, and she would put you in the hospital if you said she did a good deed. Now you could complement her all day about what a great prank she pulled with the 18 stink grenades that all lit up at once ion the boys locker room, and all the fireworks shooting at them as they ran out screaming in their towels. That was an ego booster. If only she used half of her creativity and brains in class...

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