Seddie Oneshots: 303 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,969
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"So what's in this new flavor?" Sam asked as her, Freddie and Carly sipped their smoothies that T-Bo had just given them.

"Let's see, there's lemon juice, lime juice, strawberries, mangos..." T-Bo listed. "Oh yeah! And corn juice!"

"Corn juice?" Carly exclaimed gagging a bit. "Who puts corn juice in a smoothie?"

"Well I was taking to Spencer, and he said corn juice was terrible," T-Bo explained.

"And that made you want to put it in a smoothie?" Freddie frowned.

"Hey! If I'm the first dude to come up with an actual use for corn juice, I'll be rich!" T-Bo pointed out. "I'm also working on this new conditioner with corn juice. Any of you want to test it out? I'll give you four percent off your fifth bagel purchase."

"Why don't you just test your conditioner out on yourself?" Sam asked.

"Oh no, T-Bo don't mess around with his hair," T-Bo said firmly, flipping his long hair over his shoulder and heading back to the counter.

"Oh, hey, Fredwad, Pini's at seven this Friday?" Sam said to her boyfriend. "I'm in a lasagnay mood."

"Sure, I could do that," Freddie nodded.

"Well if you guys won't be all worn out from your date," Carly grinned. "You wanna go see that new movie with that hot guy from those car insurance commercials?"

"Shoosh yeah!" Sam said.

"That movie looks kind of...girlish," Freddie said. "So I think I'm gonna pass."

"Oh come on, Freddie, come with us," Sam said.

"But you and Carly are just going to sit there obsessing about the hot actor the whole time," Freddie moaned.

"Not the whole time," Carly said.

"Yeah, we're gonna have to take breaks to stuff our mouths with popcorn," Sam said. "Just come, baby. I mean what else do you have going on?"

"Fine," Freddie sighed. "I'll come..."


"Have I ever told you what a good kisser you were?" Freddie smiled the next morning as him and Sam had their usual pre-class make-out session by Freddie's locker.

"You're not too shabby yourself, Benson," Sam grinned.

"You have the most beautiful eyes," Freddie said, kissing her gently again.

"You're such a chick," Sam laughed, trying to hide the blush that was creeping onto her cheeks.

"Yeah, yeah," Freddie said, rolling his eyes. "Oh, and you don't care if I hang out after school with some dudes from the AV club, do you? We're going to try and find a few more new clips from the new Galaxy Wars movie."

"'s amazing that so much nerdiness can actually exist," Sam said, shaking her head. "But yeah, go ahead. I was gonna hang out with Carly at the mall anyway."

Just then the bell rang.

"Ugh, I need to get to class," Sam moaned. "Ms. Paulson said if I was late one more day this week she'd put me in lunch detention. I may be able to handle normal detention, but I refuse to miss my lunchtime."

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