Seddie Oneshots: 471 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,183
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Hey, Sam!" Carly said brightly, letting herself into the Benson's house.

"Hey, Carls," Sam yawned from the couch, where she was nursing her three-month old son, Jason. "What's up?"

"Nothing, I just thought I'd swing by," Carly replied. "Oh, and I stopped by that cute little baby boutique and picked up this cute new bib for Jason."

She opened up her bag and pulled out a blue big with a picture of a puppy digging on it. "See, it says 'I dig my mommy'. Get it, because of the dog?"

"Aw, thanks," Sam smiled as she began to put he bib on Jason. "I dig him too. Even if he does like to keep me up all night."

"Oh, cool, did you and Freddie go to Pottery Barrel?" Carly asked, spotting the large Pottery Barrel bag in the middle of the floor. "What'd you get? I heard they had some new fancy-"

"Don't. Touch. That. Bag!" Sam said firmly, startling Carly.

"What? Why?" Carly frowned. 'Oh, Sam! You didn't buy more Japanese fireworks. You have a baby in the house!"

"No I didn't buy fireworks," Sam said, rolling her eyes. "But that bag stays right where it is! It's a matter of pride!"

"Okay...I know I shouldn't ask what's going on, but I've had a pretty slow day, so why not?" Carly sighed. "Why can't I move the bag?"

"Because," Sam said. "It all started last week...Frenub's mom was watching Jason for us, so we decided to go to the mall. So we had a nice three-hour break of shopping and corndogs. But Freddie kept getting all whiny because I made him carry all the bags. He made way too big a deal out of it; it was only like, five bags. And so when we got home, while he was carrying the bags up to our room, he dropped this Pottery Barrel one. Now, at first I thought it was an accident and he'd come back and get it. But he didn't. And so I thought maybe he forgot about it. But for the past week he's bee blatantly walking past it and stepping over it. And last night I realized that nub actually went into the bag, got the sheets we bought, and put them on our bed! Do you realize what's happening?"

"The two most stubborn people are living under the same roof?" Carly suggested.

"No! Freddie's trying to rearrange our whole power order!" Sam exclaimed. "He wants me to pick up that bag! He thinks he can suddenly start calling the shots around here!"

"Oh come on, if Freddie carried all your bags at the mall, can't you just bring this one upstairs?" Carly said. "Isn't that fair?"

"Hey! I carried his son for nine months!" Sam pointed out. "You think I wouldn't have loved for him to carry Jason around for even a few minutes and have him deal with the heartburn and the back aches and the peeing ever ten minutes!"

"I-I don't think science is quite there yet," Carly said.

"Well I do all the real work around this place," Sam said. "I always cook for him and stay home with Jason and I even started doing his laundry. His laundry!"

"So you're just going to let this giant bag sit here until Freddie breaks down and picks it up?" Carly said in disbelief.
"That's right," Sam smiled.

"You I don't know why I'm so eager to get married," Carly said, shaking her head.


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