iSee Clouds by hyperactivecheskie

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iSee Clouds by hyperactivecheskie

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Friendship
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,802
Published: Nov 16, 2008


Sam lay on her back and felt the edges of the grass lightly prickle her skin through her thin shirt. This spot was her hiding place when she just wanted to "chillax" and get some alone time. It was located outside principal Franklin's office window. She lay down on a blind spot where, even if he consciously tried to look for her, he wouldn't be able to find her. The bushes and trees above provided enough shade for protection from the sun yet not too much that it would disrupt her view of the sky and the passing cars. It was the perfect place to stay if she wanted to cut class. Unless a teacher happened to wander outside, which she doubted since class was going on, she won't get caught. The only person who knew she went there was Gary the Gardener. He didn't mind. She usually shared her beef jerky, or whatever processed meat snack she had, with him.

Just a few more weeks and it was summer. She didn't see the need to stay in class, especially Ms. Briggs'. She knew she knew she would pass with at least a C and that was good enough for her. Sam was the master of slacking. It was more complicated than it looked, actually. People thought slacking just meant not doing any work. Oh how they were wrong! Kids who didn't do any work at all were dead-beats and usually get left behind a couple grades. Slacking, on the other hand was an art form. It was picking your moments. It was knowing just the right amount of work one needed to do to pass. It varied from teacher to teacher and subject to subject. Now, with summer looming ahead, she earned her rest.

She just wanted to lay down on the grass and look at the clouds. She loved times like these. People usually thought she was too loud or crazy or obnoxious or.. some other synonym to "Sam". But hey, she didn't need to be like that all the time. There were times when she wanted to lay in silence and gather her thoughts, too. Maybe she didn't write poetry or play guitar or draw like those other "rebel with a soft side" kids. But she did like looking at clouds.

She and Carly used to do this all the time when they were younger. They used to try and spot different animals and figures formed by random cumulus and cirrus clouds. Then they would make up stories connecting the figures they saw. It would be a game sometimes, who would be able to make the craziest stories. It was one of the few things Sam was able to beat Carly in, aside from who would be able to eat a bucket of chicken the fastest. The latter didn't mind, they were never competitive with each other (Shane was the one exception). They always knew and accepted who was good at what. Carly was always the cerebral one, while Same was the adventurous and imaginative one. They hadn't been cloud-seeing lately, though. Carly was busy with school and extracurriculars, like student government, and all that. Sam couldn't blame her. Her best friend was meant to do great things. She might even be president one day! That wouldn't be so bad since Sam would DEFINITELY get some form of immunity. HA!

As she thought about the perks of being the first female president's best friend, she heard footsteps and a few twigs snap a few feet away. She pushed herself slightly up with her elbows. "Hey, Gary! I got this new chicken teriyaki flavored jerky from Hong Kong." She dug into her backpack to retrieve her jerky. "My mom got it from this Chinese guy she plays mahjong with. And don't ask me what mahjong is, I have no..." When she looked up, it wasn't Gary.


"Eh. It's you," she said, putting her beef jerky back in her bag. She would usually run away if it was someone besides Gary who stumbled upon her. But seeing as it was just her sort-of favorite tech weenie, she stayed. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be climbing out of a teacher's butt somewhere?"

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