When You're Mad by MitchiChanLovesPocky

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When You're Mad: An iCarly Fanfic by MitchiChanLovesPocky

TV » iCarly
Rated: M
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 2,268
Published: Mar 15, 2012


[ s o n g f i c ]

It's just the cutest thing

When you get to fussing (cussing)

Yelling and throwing things

I just wanna eat you up

I don't mean no disrespect

When I start staring

Knowing that it makes you madder (uh, oh)

I'm sorry but seeing you mad is so sexy

"Fred-fuck!" Sam yelled at the top of her lungs as she stormed up the stairs to the iCarly studio. Freddie who was working on something almost dropped his latest project when he heard the all too familiar voice and sounds of Sam. He couldn't help the grin that spread on his face. He knew what was coming to him as he oh-so-casually placed his project back on the small table and waited until Sam opened the door like she wanted to tear it down then proceed to slam it for dramatic effect.

"There you are, you piece of shit!" She hissed through clench teeth as she stomped towards him in her tennis sneakers and grabs onto his shirt collar. Freddie put up his hands in mock defense but Sam didn't pay it any mind as she yelled at him. "You're the one who did it, didn't you? You're the one who took my last piece of bacon gum when you know I was saving that piece, you stupid motherfucker! I bet you chewed it without a care in the world I would find out, didn't you!"

"S-Sam!" Freddie cried. He was putting up an act and doing it well to hide the major turn on he was getting by the way Sam shook him back and forth, pulling him close to her beautiful yet fiery face. Lips barely touching each other. He couldn't deny it but Sam was a beautiful girl. Of course her usual antics of pulling pranks on him and beating him senseless never die down but then after rejection after rejection from Carly, he couldn't help but develop a crush on the 18 year old that still unleashes hell on him. Freddie did went to threrapy when all of his sweet innocent dreams of the brunette was replaced with wild passionate dreams of the blonde before him. He thought he was going insane! But damn, Sam sure did look good to him now. Call him desprate but she was attractive in her own unique way.

"You're going to pay, Benson!" She yelled over and over. She shook him back and forth til he got dizzy and fell onto the floor, taking the angry blonde with him. Freddie couldn't help but blush in the position that they are in, with Sam in between his legs. Her hair was a mess as she blew a few strands off from her eyes to keep glaring at the cowering boy beneath her.

"I-I'm sorry, Sam." He still spoke, making sure he kept good eye contact with her. He wanted to wrap his hands on her hips and push her body against him. To feel the softness of her lips against his but he kept his hands where they were, which was beside his sides. "I'll buy you another pack! I swear!"

After a few tense moments, Sam just huffed as she slapped him across the face. Not as hard when she was really angry, just enough to make it sting and turn his skin red. Freddie fought back a groan, not wanting to tell the blonde on top how good that feels, wishing to apply the same pressure on her ample ass.

"Yeah, you better. Don't let me catch you taking my precious bacon products away from me again." was all she said as she got off of him.

Could it be the little wrinkle over your nose

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