Discover by grangertash

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Chapter 3: Day 3


Mrs. Benson was a strong believer that keeping a tight leash on her son was the way to go. She would always, as discreetly possible, keep an eye on Freddie. Whether it is watching who he is hanging around with, what or he eats or what he is doing on that 'silly' web show of his. Mrs. Benson keeps a continual watch on what her son is up to, she knows everything, even if he doesn't know it himself.

This is why on day 3 of their vacation she kept a watchful eye on her son's behaviour around his friend, Sam. It was the day after the 'dangerous bacteria swim' that her son had taken part in with Sam. Luckily, it was board game day at camp so there was no danger of anything like that happening again. Bright and early that morning she had gone down to sign the kids' names up for the chess tournament when she was surprised to find Sam and Freddie already eating their breakfast in the canteen.

So, in the belief that it was important she was always aware of what her son was up to, instead of saying 'hello', she choose to, of course, spy on them.

"I can't believe you made me get up this early," She heard Sam moan. It was obvious that she had just walked out of her bed.

"I told you they only served pancakes at 7. You wanted pancakes, right?" Freddie asked her.

"Yeah . . ." She mumbled back.

"Then, you had to get up early," He told her and she responded with another groan.

"I don't see why you didn't force Carly out of her bed!" Sam said as the waitress walked over.

"Two chocolate and strawberry pancakes, please," Freddie said politely to the waitress before turning back to Sam. "I tried to wake up Carly. She just doesn't like food enough to get out of bed."

Sam's lip curled into a slight smirk, "Well . . . I do love pancakes."

"Exactly," Freddie nodded smiling.

Mrs Benson chose this moment to leave them. She couldn't help but smile at the relationship her son seemed to have formed with this girl. She wasn't too worried before because she was sure their dynamic would not work in the real world. Though, now, she had witnessed them just talking and eating pancakes, without fighting, like any other couple would do. She wasn't sure how she felt about this and that worried her.

After all, Mrs. Benson knows Sam would not get out of her bed at 7 in the morning for anyone. She also knows that pancakes are served all day, not just in the morning. There was definitely something going on here and she was determined to find out.


The afternoon soon arrived and Mrs. Benson was half concentrating on a game of chess with a rather atrocious looking man who did not look like he knew the meaning of hygiene. She was torn between sprinting to the room to give him some anti-bacteria hand wash and staying in the chess tournament waiting for Carly to play her.

Her plan was to find out more information about Sam and Freddie by talking to Carly. She knew the girls had a strong friendship and if someone were to know something, it would be Carly. Both of the girls had no idea how to play chess so taking drastic measures, Mrs Benson had given them both an hour's lesson before the tournament, much to their dismay.

She quickly admitted defeat to the disgusting man who sat across from her and before he left she made sure to add, "I recommend 'Mr Cleans cleaning lotion' for your dirty skin." The man only grunted, tugging at his beard before moving to the next table.

"Hey, Mrs. Benson. I'm next."

She looked to see Carly waving and sitting down in front of her. Carly laughed and commented on the fact that she had lost every game so far. Mrs Benson smiled back but her concentration was on the purpose of this meeting; to get information about her son.

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