Seddie Oneshots: 612 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: June 15, 2015


"So I have a question," Sam said as her and Freddie walked hand-in-hand through the crowded mall. "We've been together for three years now, right?"

"Right," Freddie nodded.

"So are we at the stage yet where we get to give joint birthday presents?" Sam asked. "Because I'm telling you, that's about the only way I'm gonna be able to give Gibby something decent."

"That's only for married couples," Freddie chuckled. "Besides, there's no way I'm sharing credit for the amazing gift I got him. You remember how we messed up his phaser from Galaxy Wars a few years ago?"

"Not really, but let's pretend like I do," Sam replied.

"Well, I got him something even better!" Freddie said excitedly. "A plasma beam! See, after the Gurgeon regime took over, phasers became such a scarce commodity that in order to have a form of protection, plasma beams became-"

"Hey, baby?" Sam cut him off. "What did we say about your annoying Galaxy Wars speeches?"

"Sorry," Freddie said quickly. "But the point it, Gib's gonna love it."
"Well what am I supposed to get him?" Sam asked. "A sack of potatoes? A bag of cat litter? Shoe laces?"

"I'll help you," Freddie assured her. "Gibby's one of my best friends."

"Yeah, that's not something you say proudly," Sam said.

"I'll make sure you get him something he'll like," Freddie continued, ignoring her comment. "Come on, let's start in that candle store. Gibby's really big on scented wax right now."


Finally, after several hours looking around the mall, Freddie found Sam the perfect gift to give Gibby.

"You sure Gibby's gonna like these aerobics DVDs?" Sam asked as her and Freddie walked through the parking garage back to Freddie's car.

"Yeah, he likes any excuse to wear stretchy pants," Freddie nodded.

"Gross," Sam cringed, shuddering slightly at the image. "Well I hope he knows that he better never wear them in public. Because if I have to see him in them, I'll put his head in the toilet again. You know, once I'm done vomiting."

"Fair enough," Freddie chuckled. "Hey, do you remember where we parked? I can't remember if it was on the third or fourth level and-"

He stopped talking though, as the couple was suddenly approached by a tall, hooded man.

"Um, can-can we help you?" Freddie frowned.

"Yeah, you can help me," the man said, pulling a small pocket knife out of his pocket. "Give me your wallet. And you, lady, you give me your purse!"

Freddie's eyes widened in panic. They were being mugged!

He gripped Sam's hand tighter. "I-I-" he stammered, not knowing anything else to do. He looked around desperately, hoping a security guard or anybody would come to their rescue.

"Now!" the man yelled, holding up his knife higher.

Freddie glanced over at Sam, who kept looking back and forth between the mugger and him.

Okay, Benson, now is not the time to whimp out! Freddie told himself firmly, while at the same time trying to keep his legs steady. You have to protect your girlfriend here! Just give him what he wants and he'll go away and hopefully nothing will happen.

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