Seddie Oneshots: 382 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,309
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Dude, you know what I was thinking about in the shower today?" Spencer asked, sitting down on his couch next to Freddie.

"Um...showering?" Freddie guessed.

"I was thinking about a way to make smoothies even better," Spencer said, ignoring Freddie's comment. "So I know you put milk and yogurt in them to make them all thick and creamy, but what if you used ice cream instead? It would be even thicker and creamier! It would be delicious! We could call them Ice Cream Smoothies! You think I should tell T-Bo about this and work out some sort of deal with him with this or should I start my own rival restaurant and-"

"Spence," Freddie sighed. "They already have smoothies made from ice cream. They're called milkshakes."

"W-What?" Spencer frowned. "You're joking."

"You've drank milkshakes before," Freddie pointed out.

"Yeah, but-but these will be fruity," Spencer said lamely. "And they'll be called Ice Cream Smoothies instead-instead of milkshakes, and-and-Oh! Forget about it!"

"Where are you going?" Freddie asked as Spencer got to his feet and headed to the door.

"To get a milkshake, or an Ice Cream Smoothie," Spencer said. "Or-Or-I don't know anymore! I'm so confused!"

"Oh-kay," Freddie said, rolling his eyes as Spencer shut the door behind him. A few minutes later, though, the door opened again and Carly and Sam walked in.

"Hey, where were you guys?" Freddie asked as Sam sat down next to him and gave him a quick kiss.

"We were at the mall with Wendy," Sam replied.

"Yes, where I had to beg the two of them not to pour bottles of dish soap into the fountain," Carly sighed, shrugging off her jacket. "Unsuccessfully, I might add."

"It was awesome," Sam grinned. "There was so much soap bubbles that the annoying guy who always tries to spray everyone with cologne got lost for ten whole minutes!"

"Why were you at the mall?" Freddie asked, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, Wendy needed a dress," Carly said. "You know she's going on her fourth date with Brad this weekend."

"Really? They're still together?" Freddie asked. "Huh."

"Why huh?" Carly frowned.

"You know, I just never really saw them as a couple," Freddie shrugged.

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "I mean, I'm happy she's all happy now, but I just don't see how they're a couple. She's cool and spunky and he's all dorky."

"Yeah, it's a weird mix," Freddie said, putting his arm around Sam.

Carly blinked. "You-You're not serious, are you?"
"What?" Sam asked.

"Come on, Brad and Wendy are just like you and Freddie!" Carly exclaimed. "How could you not see that? Wendy's into doing...questionable things, like you, Sam, and Brad's super into technology and other geeky stuff, like Freddie!"

"Okay, Carls, I think you're a little delusional," Sam chuckled. "Freddie and I are nothing like Brad and Wendy."

"Yes you are!" Carly said, exasperated.

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