Seddie Oneshots: 337 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,292
Published: Dec 5, 2010

[ sequel to previous oneshot ]

"Man, what a great day of savings!" Spencer said happily as him and Freddie returned to the Shay's apartment. "We got two sponge mops for the price of one, forty percent off a roll of Velcro and enough waffle irons to last a lifetime."

"Yeah, it was a real, er, blast," Freddie yawned. "Thanks again for saving me back there...I can't believe those two expected me to tell them who I thought the better kisser was."

"Girls can be crazy sometimes," Spencer said, fumbling for his keys.

"Tell me about it," Freddie said as Spencer unlocked the door. "Anyway, I'm just gonna grab my Pearpad that I left in there, and then I think I'm just gonna-ah!"

When Spencer swung open the door, they were greeted by Carly and Sam, who were standing right at the entranceway.

"Were you waiting here for us?" Spencer frowned.

"No, genius, you guys were practically screaming outside the door," Sam said. "It's not made of stone, you know."

"Yeah," Carly nodded. "And we still need to talk to Freddie about a certain question he has yet to answer."

"Well, have fun with that!" Spencer said, turning to head back out the door.

"Dude!" Freddie hissed. "You're going to abandon me?"

"Hey, I saved you once," Spencer pointed out. "You're on your own now."

"But-Come back!" Freddie yelled as Spencer hurried out. "Aw man."

"Freddie, come on," Carly said. "All you have to do is tell us who you think kisses better. Me, or Sam. Sam and I already agreed that we won't get mad at you over the results, so why are you being such a baby?"

"You guys, this is completely unfair," Freddie moaned.

"Just tell us who kisses better already so we can get this over with," Sam said, rolling her eyes. "I'm sick of hearing this one go on and on about it."

"Not happening," Freddie said firmly.

"Okay," Carly said simply. "Then I guess you don't want to hear the little deal Sam and I worked out for you..."

"No, I-little deal?" Freddie frowned.

"Yup," Carly smiled. She pulled out two sheets of paper from her pocket. "While you were off hiding with Spencer, Sam and I decided to rate all of the guys we've kissed from best to worst...aren't you just a tiny bit curious to see where you fall on each of our lists?"

Freddie stared at the two pieces of paper in Carly's hand. She did have a point...he did sort of want to know what each of them thought of his lip work. But was it worth it?

Freddie let out a sigh of defeat. "Are you going to let me rest if I keep on refusing to tell you?"

"No, probably not," Carly said.

" both totally promise that there will be no hard feelings or kicking me?"

"We promise," Carly nodded.
"And you'll really let me see your lists after I tell you?" Freddie asked.

"That's the deal."

"Well then...fine," Freddie conceded. "I'll tell you guys."

"Whoa, you're going to cave just like that?" Sam exclaimed.

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