Seddie Oneshots: 476 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 2,414
Published: Dec 5, 2010


Freddie happily dried his hair as he stepped out of his shower and headed into his and Sam's shared bedroom.

Him and Sam had only been living together for a little over two weeks, but already Freddie knew this was the perfect arrangement for them. He absolutely loved having his girlfriend around all the time. He loved waking up next to her and seeing her blue eyes right before he went to bed every night. He loved never having to text her to tell her to come over anymore and not having to miss her after she would leave.

As Freddie grabbed a shirt from his closet (which was now much more crammed since Sam's entire wardrobe now hung there as well), he glanced over at the bed and saw that it was empty. Sam must've gotten up while he was in the bathroom.

He quickly threw his clothes on and headed out into the kitchen where his girlfriend was sitting at the table, still in her pajamas, picking at a bowl of cereal.

"Morning, baby!" Freddie said brightly, giving her a quick kiss before he walked over to the counter and switched on the coffee maker.

"God, could you be any louder?" Sam snapped.

Freddie frowned. "Um, sorry?"

"And this stupid cereal is disgusting!" Sam said, shoving the bowl away and getting to her feet. "Why do you buy the grossest chiz they have at the store?"

"I thought you liked that kind," Freddie said, a bit confused by Sam's behavior. "It has those little marshmallows."

"Well they're disgusting!" Sam said, heading to the fridge.

", there's bacon I bought yesterday," Freddie said. "Or I can make you some eggs. Or-"

"I don't want any of that!" Sam moaned.

"You don't want bacon?" Freddie said, shocked. "Wow, that's a first."

"What? I'm not allowed to not want bacon for once in my life?"

"No! I just-Well, what do you want?" Freddie said quickly.

"I don't know!" Sam exclaimed.

"You don't know?" Freddie repeated. "Okay...I'm going to have toast. Do you want me to make you some too? Or-"

"No! Jeez, Freddie! Not all of the word's problems can be solved by toast!" Sam yelled, slamming fridge door closed and storming out of the kitchen.

"Huh?" Freddie frowned. "Wait, Sam? Where are you going?"

"Back to bed!" Sam said over her shoulder. "Where nobody's going to annoy me with breakfast options!"

"I-what?" Freddie said as Sam retreated into the bedroom. "Okay...I'm so lost right now."

He followed Sam back into the bedroom and sat down at the foot of the bed. " okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Um...well, you-you seem a little-"

"A little what?" Sam demanded, narrowing her eyes.

"A little...upset about something," Freddie said reluctantly. "Is anything wrong?"


"Alright," Freddie said quickly. "Just...If you need to talk-"

"Can you go?" Sam said. "I wanna get some more sleep. I-I don't feel well, okay?"

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