Seddie Oneshots: 638 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,228
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"-And here's another twelve tablecloth samples I picked out for you to look at," Carly said as she and Sam sat on the couch together. "Try to have a final decision by the end of the week, okay?"

"Carly..." Sam moaned. "Can we cool it with the wedding planning for the rest of the day? I'm exhausted. I just spent more time looking at flower arrangements than I ever planned on. Besides, Freddie and I don't get married for another five months. We don't have to rush and do all this now."
"Sam, planning a wedding isn't just something you can do in a couple weeks," Carly said. "We have to be doing all this now or the whole thing's going to wind up being a disaster!"

"Yeah, it'd be a real shame if there weren't perfect tablecloths at this thing," Sam mumbled just as the apartment door opened and Freddie walked in.

"Freddie," Carly said. "Can you please talk to your fiancée and tell her to cooperate with the wedding planning?"

"Well...we have another five months," Freddie said, hanging up his jacket. "I'm sure everything will get done."

"That's why I'm marrying you, baby," Sam beamed as Freddie stepped over and kissed her. "Where were you all day?"

"I was at the fencing gym," Freddie replied. "Just practicing some different techniques. And I reserved one of the private practice rooms for next weekend."

"Oh, are you and Spencer gonna go?" Carly asked.

"No," Freddie said. "I was thinking of asking Carmine and maybe Chaz and Vinnie to go with me."

"Um...hold on," Sam frowned. "When you say Carmine, you-you don't mean-"

"Your Uncle, yeah," Freddie smiled. "And Chaz and Vinnie; your cousins."

"That's what I thought," Sam nodded, getting to her feet. She stepped over to her fiancé and whacked the back of his head. "Are you crazy?"

"Ow!" Freddie exclaimed, massaging his head. "Sam! What was that for?"

"Freddie, you can't go fencing with them!" Sam exclaimed. "Are you looking to die?"
"I just thought it would be a good bonding activity for all of us," Freddie said. "I mean they are going to be my family too soon. I figured it would be fun to hang out and get to know them a little better."

" have a degree from MIT," Sam said. "Yet you somehow think it's a good idea to willingly put yourself in a room with these people and give them actual weapons?"

"A fencing sword is not a weapon," Freddie scoffed. "It's a tool used for-"

"It's a giant, pointy stick!" Sam exclaimed. "They're not that picky; it's a weapon! They're gonna gouge your eyes out or pop your spleen or-"

"No they won't," Freddie said. "Besides, you said they were really warming up to me. When we went your aunt's parole party the other day I got a few chuckles from that computer joke I told, after all."

"That's because your fly was down," Sam said. She turned to Carly. "A little help here! You can't possibly think it's a good idea for him to go fencing with my family!"

"Well, um, she-she does have a point, Freddie," Carly said. "Fencing does seem like a bit of an extreme activity for you all to be doing. Maybe-Maybe you could see if they would want to try a safer bonding activity with you. Like-Like jacks!"

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