iAm Confused by Tansy Petals

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Sam woke to a wall of dark hair. She blinked and rolled onto her back, stretching carefully so as not to hit Carly and lay staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey, Carls. You awake yet?"

Carly, who was lying on her front, groaned in response and buried her head deeper into the pillow. "My brain's going to implode."

"I did tell you not to drink so much, it'll be better soon." Carly groaned again and twisted onto her side so she could see Sam. "Did you want to talk about something?"

"I... kissed Freddie last night."

"I know; I was there... more or less."

"I kissed him three times."

"Oh," Carly flopped onto her back and pulled the sheets up over her head. Sam ducked beneath the fabric after her and fidgeted nervously, picking at the sheet covering the mattress.

"So, is this your way of trying to tell me that you and Freddie are a couple now?"

"No! I... I blew up at him and told him I didn't want him, I don't even know why I got so mad."

"Do you want me to apologize to him for you?"

"No. I'm hoping he won't even remember it, but, the thing is, I don't think he was actually drunk, or not that drunk anyway."

"Is that why you got angry, because he was deceiving you?"

"Maybe, I think I just suddenly realised what I was getting myself in to and I panicked. You know better than anyone that I'm not good at maintaining relationships."

"I'm confused Sam, do you want to get with Freddie or not?"

"I'm confused too." Sam mumbled, looking down. Carly automatically shuffled over and curled her arms around Sam, rocking her gently.

"It's just so easy with Freddie. I kiss him before I even realise what I'm doing."

"I'm sure it'll all work out."

"I think I messed up. I've never seen Freddie so... so broken."

"Shh," Carly cooed, rubbing her arms soothingly.

Their quiet moment was interrupted by a knock on Carly's bedroom door and they scrambled out from under the sheets, emerging just as Freddie stepped into the room.

He stopped in the doorway and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, morning, Freddie." Carly chirped "I'm going... somewhere," She announced, climbing out of the bed, "And maybe die," She added, holding her hands to her head.

"It'll pass, Cupcake." Sam reassured, patting Carly's arm as the brunette circled past Freddie to get to her door. Freddie sat in Carly's place and Sam sat up.

"Hey," He smiled.

"Hey," Sam replied cautiously.

"Can I ask you something and get an honest answer?"

"Uh, sure?"

"Did I do anything stupid last night? I don't remember much, except... did we dance?"

"Just once, and no, you didn't do anything stupid."

"That's a relief. I was worried a video of me would show up on SplashFace or something."

Sam went deathly pale and her eyes widened in horror. She'd never thought of that when she'd let him kiss her in public, at a crowded party, full of teenagers with phones.

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