Seddie Oneshots: 617 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,296
Published: Dec 5, 2010
Updated: June 20, 2015


[ sequel to previous oneshot ]

"At least this pizza is really good," Carly commented as her, Sam and Freddie finished up their dinners. "Even if the whole date part of this evening was kind of a disaster."

"I've always said food makes any situation better," Sam said, taking a bite of her sixth slice of pizza.

"Listen guys, thanks again for doing all this to try and make it work between me and Chad," Carly said. "I know it put you two in an uncomfortable position-"

"For the last time, Carls, we're fine," Freddie chuckled.

"Yeah, especially since you're paying for this," Sam smirked.

"But I saw how upset you guys were outside and-"

"Look, enough date talk!" Freddie said. "Come on, we're three friends at a great pizza joint! We should be, I dunno, thinking up iCarly bits or thinking up more theories about Lewbert's wart."

"Oh, yeah!" Sam grinned. "You know, I bet he uses it to smuggle his own snacks into the movie theatre!"

"Oh, good one!" Freddie laughed.

Carly sighed, realizing that she clearly wasn't going to get anything out of these two at the moment.

When the three teens finished up their pizzas, Carly left a few bills at the table and then they started towards the exit.

"Chad drove you guys here, right?" Sam asked. "You need a ride home?"

"No, that's okay," Carly replied. "Chad took the car, but Spencer is actually going to come and pick me up. Turns out he loves the cannolis here and he wants to get himself a few. I'll just see you later."

"Alright," Freddie nodded.

Him and Sam headed out to the parking lot towards his mom's parked car that he had used to drive them to the restaurant.

"Are you gonna stay over at Carly's tonight?" Freddie asked as he unlocked the vehicle. "Or should I drop you off at your place?"

"My place," Sam replied. "I kind of just want to relax, and I know if I go over there, Carly's gonna keep going on and on about tonight."

"Right," Freddie agreed.

"Man...I can't believe your mom actually let you borrow her car," Sam said as Freddie started to pull out of the parking lot. "It took you six months to convince her to let you even get your license."

"Well..." Freddie said slowly. "She-She didn't exactly let me borrow it."

"Whoa, you stole the car!" Sam exclaimed. "Huh...who knew you had it in you, Benson."

"I didn't steal the car," Freddie said. "It's not like I'm gonna split town in it. Besides, I have a system. I measure exactly how full the tank is before I take the car, and then I make sure to fill it up to that same exact amount before I bring it back. That way when she checks tomorrow morning, she won't even know it was gone."

"Very clever," Sam chuckled. "Maybe I should start giving you some more credit...apparently living with Crazy has done you some good."

It was a short drive to Sam's house. When Freddie pulled into her driveway, he turned off the engine and made to get out of the care.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked.

"Walking you to your door," Freddie replied.

"Dude, the fake date thing is over," Sam smirked. "You don't have to do that."

"Oh...right," Freddie said quickly. "Forgot about that."

"But...I guess if you wanna come in," Sam said slowly. "My mom's not home. We could watch a movie or something. I mean Carly will probably start bugging you about all this too if she sees you back at your place."

"Yeah, I'm down for a movie," Freddie nodded.

He followed Sam up to her front door. Once she unlocked it, he stepped inside the Puckett house behind her. The second he did, though, Frothy raced over to him and began swiping at his leg.

"Ah!" Freddie cried, trying to dodge the feline. "Aw man, I forgot how much this cat hated me!"

"He just hasn't seen you in awhile," Sam told him. "I mean you haven't been over here since we were going out. And he was almost getting used to you back then."

"Oh yeah," Freddie nodded, still trying to prevent his leg from being clawed. "Guess I need to start coming over here again to keep from being shanked."
"You're such a drama queen," Sam said, rolling her eyes as she bent down and scooped the cat up in her arms. "Alright, Frothy, the nub's gonna keep spazzing out if you stick around so go run around outside."
She opened the door again and tossed Frothy outside. "There, happy?"

"Well my leg is," Freddie mumbled.

"You want something to eat?" Sam asked. "I think there's some chips around here."
"How can you possibly still be hungry?" Freddie asked, amused. "You just ate a whole pizza."
"Yeah, an hour ago," Sam pointed out. She spotted a half-eaten bag of potato chips on by the coat rack and grabbed them.

"Classy," Freddie cringed.

The two sat down on the couch together, and Sam kicked her feet up on the coffee table. "You care which movie we watch?" Sam asked.

"Um, no," Freddie said. "Hey, I know we were kind of avoiding the topic back there with Carly, but-but I just wanted to make sure that we were still good after-after what happened tonight."

Sam gave him a small smile. "Yeah...yeah we're still good. That whole thing was just..."
"It was harder than I thought too," Freddie agreed knowingly.

"Yeah," Sam nodded. "I guess I figured it wouldn't be so weird since we hang out all the time as friends, you know? But-But apparently not..."

"I know," Freddie sighed. "But-But come on, anybody would've been uncomfortable pretending to be back together with someone who they dated before. I mean what we felt was totally normal."
"Totally," Sam said.

The two were silent for a moment.

"I will say, though," Freddie said. "It was kind of fun getting to hang out with you tonight. We never really do that anymore...just the two of us."
"What are you talking about? Carly was there with us tonight still," Sam said.

"I'm talking about now," Freddie replied. "I just kind of missed this. Hanging around with Carly and everybody is fun and all, but-but well-"

Sam chuckled. "Eh, I kind of missed hanging around with you too. Hey...we should fix that. How about we make a pact? One night a week the two of us will meet up and just chill together and do whatever we want. We could grab some food, play a little Meat Golf, prank can be just our little thing."

"That sounds fun," Freddie laughed. "Alright Puckett, you've got yourself a deal. Although..."

"What?" Sam frowned.

"Maybe we shouldn't tell the others about this little arrangement," Freddie said slowly. "You know how they jump to conclusions, after all."

"Oh no way," Sam nodded. "If Carly found out we were hanging out together, she'd never shut up! You saw how she was just with tonight."

"Yeah, she's...something," Freddie said. "So this will be just between us then, right, Puckett?"

Sam grinned, snatching the remote from Freddie's hands. "Right, Benson."

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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