iDon't Want To Lose You by Tansy Petals

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iDon't Want to Lose You by Tansy Petals

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 3,635
Published: Jul 14, 2010
Updated: Aug 24, 2010

A/N: This is already the third and last chapter of the book but it can stand alone because nothing that happens needs too much of the back story.


Sam was, as Carly had predicted, sitting on the fire escape. Freddie found her sitting sideways on the steps, her arms wrapped around her legs and her chin wresting on her knees.

Freddie knocked lightly on the glass and Sam gave him a very small smile. He climbed over the window sill and sat on the step below Sam, facing her.

"Hey," He started quietly.

"Hey." She refused to look him in the eyes, staring instead at his knees.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled.

"What are you sorry for?"

"For leading you on again. I can't start a relationship with you."

"Why not?" He asked the question like a petulant child and Sam couldn't stop herself laughing. She shifted forward, closer to Freddie and wrapped an arm around his leg.

"I do love you, you know that, but I can't cope with a long distance relationship, I'll go all to pieces and cheat on you or I'll get so paranoid that I'll have someone follow you or-"

"Sam." Freddie smiled. She looked at him, meeting his gaze this time. He held his arm out and they both twisted around, moving so they were beside each other and Freddie had his arm over Sam's shoulders. She leaned into him.

"I have some good news, if you're really interested in a serious relationship with me."

"I... am."

"Okay, you know how you want to move to LA so you can be close to Carly when she finishes her Broadway run?"


"Well, I talked to my boss and he's willing to transfer me from Nebraska so I bought an apartment. It's pretty small, and the kitchen's tiny, but it's got two bedrooms and you're more than welcome to move in with me; if you want to." Freddie looked down nervously as Sam leaned back to look at him. She stared at him for a tense second or two and then exclaimed "I completely love you Freddie, you're the most awesome person ever!" and threw her arms around his neck. Freddie's arms curled tightly around her waist in response, crushing her against him. She stayed in his arms for near a minute before she sprang down the stairs and scrambled into the hallway. Freddie rushed after her and she spun around so suddenly that he crashed in to her, sending himself tumbling to the floor. Sam giggled and leaned over him with her hands against her knees.

"I guess I just fell for you." Freddie joked with a lopsided grin, propping himself up on his elbows. Sam shook her head as if he was a lost cause and grinned back. "I don't think we'll need that second bedroom." She told him lowly, enjoying the blush that spread over his face.

"Need a hand?" She held her hand out to pull him up. He eyed her suspiciously then shrugged and accepted her help. As soon as he was on his feet again Sam wound her arms around his neck and stretched onto her tiptoes to press her lips against his. Freddie wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her back happily.

"I love - you." Freddie crooned between kisses "and you're the - most beautiful - girl on the planet."

"Shut up dork." Sam replied, but he could feel her grinning against his lips as she deepened their kiss and he lifted her off the ground completely. Five minutes later he returned her to the floor ending the kiss. Sam made a discontented noise and leant up and pulled him back down into her, connecting their lips once more. Freddie didn't object and Sam hopped onto his feet. He took one step forward to regain his balance and buried one hand in her hair, the other sliding over her lower back. Minutes later a bright flash interrupted them and they looked down the hall to see Carly with a camera in her hand and a pleased smile stretched over her face.

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