Seddie Oneshots: 25 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 584
Published: Dec 5, 2010


Every Monday, Sam and Freddie had their weekly iCarly day. This wasn't the day they filmed the show; it was the day that the two filmed little clips for the site while Carly was at her student government meetings.

"Let's do a random debate again," Sam said, picking the lock to get into the Shay's apartment.

"We did that two weeks ago," Freddie reminded her. "We could always call Nevel and trick him into reading another poem."

"According to his page, he's away at some porcupine convention," Sam said.

"I'll go and see which bit's been getting the most views lately," Freddie decided. "And we'll just do another clip for that one, okay?"

"Whatever floats your boat, Frederk," Sam shrugged, grabbing a can of soda from the fridge. She walked over to stand by Freddie as he logged into the site.

"Okay, now let me just see... It looks like the Jitters got the most views."

"Really? People liked that them most?"

"Yeah. Let me pull up the comments..."

"Do you want to move a little faster there, Benson?"

"I can only click so fast! Here we go...Okay, RappySnappy said 'this is so hilarious, funniest thing on iCarly, and that's saying something."

"Pietime wrote: 'That Gibby sure does look good in a dress," Sam read. "Well, clearly this guy is delusional."

"Purplepixie wrote- Um, never mind, next comment," Freddie said quickly, scrolling down before Sam got a chance to read it.

"Wait, what did it say?" Sam demanded.

"Nothing, just something stupid."

"Well, I'm used to stupid; I hang out with you. Now scroll back up!"

"Sam, you really don't want to- Ow!"

Sam had grabbed his arm and yanked him off his seat. She sat down and scrolled back up to the comment.

"Don't you try to hide things from Mama," she said, finding the comment. "Okay, Purplepixie wrote 'I wonder if that is how Sam and Freddie will act when they really do become a married couple-oh."

"I warned you," Freddie said, getting to his feet.

"Can't you send this chick a virus or something? How dare she suggest that I'd marry something like you?"

"Like being married to you would be a real treat," Freddie mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Hey, I'd be a blast to be married to."

"Well so would I!"

"Yeah, right," Sam smirked. "I pity the girl that winds up being stuck with you."

"And I feel real bad for whoever has to spend his life with you," Freddie retaliated.

"My husband would be a whole lot happier than your wife would be," Sam snapped.

"Fine. I guess we'll see when we both get married."

"Fine. I guess we will."


Eight Years Later

"So remember that bet we made eight years ago," Freddie said to Sam. "About whose spouse would be happier with them?"

"Yeah," Sam nodded.

"Well, I guess I loose," Freddie grinned. "Because your husband is pretty darn happy with you."

"Eh," Sam said. "I'm not so sure. Your wife is pretty happy with you."

And they both leaned in and kissed the other.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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