Seddie Oneshots: 634 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,923
Published: July 2, 2015


"Mom, I'm hungry!"

"Mom, these seats are hard!"

"Mom, my feet are all sticky!"

"Mom, I'm bored!"

"Alright!" Sam said loudly, sitting up in her seat in the corner of one of the airport's waiting lounges. "Next person to say 'mom' who isn't bleeding or has a bone sticking out of their skin is grounded! We've been traveling all day on Christmas Eve, the craziest travel day of the year! My feet are numb, my back hurts and I'm exhausted. We're finally one flight away from being back home so can we all please just get through the rest of this in peace?"

"But mommy," three-year old Tyler said. "I have to go to the bathroom!"

"Okay, well daddy will take you when he comes back with our tickets," Sam said. "Which should be any minute...I bet that nub's off in some corner taking a nap!"
"Santa knows to come to our house tonight even though we've been in New York with Aunt Melanie for the fast week, right?" Emma asked.

"Yes, Santa got the memo," Sam nodded. "Even though this means he'll probably be up until three in the morning getting everything together once we get back..."
"What?" Ashton frowned.

"Nothing," Sam said quickly.

"Hey, here comes dad now!" Jason said.

"Oh thank God," Sam said, breathing a sigh of relief as her husband approached. "Alright Fredward, take Tyler to the bathroom and then I'm going to go find myself a churro. How much longer do we have until we have to board the plane back to Seattle?"

"Um...okay...about-about that," Freddie said. "See, it's possible that-that we um, that we might not be getting back to Seattle tonight..."
"What?" Sam exclaimed. "It's Christmas Eve! We have to get back! Why can't we take the plane out the we had tickets for?"
"Because all planes are currently grounded because of the weather," Freddie explained. "There's a massive snowstorm going on outside."

"So?" Sam snapped. "Tell them I don't want to be stuck in some dinky Montana airport on Christmas Eve!"

"Baby, they're not going to change their decision because you want them to," Freddie said.

"Well you didn't even check!"

"Daddy, does this mean we're going to miss Christmas?" Emma asked anxiously.

"No presents?" Tyler gasped.

"Er, hopefully this will all be fixed within a few hours," Freddie said. "If this snowstorm passes through soon, we'll be on the first plane back to Seattle."

"So what do we do until then?" Jason moaned. "Just wait around here?"

"But that's boring!" Ashton said.

"Hey, it won't be that bad," Freddie said. "Right, Sam?"

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Would you like me to lie for the benefit of the kids or tell you how I really feel?" she whispered.

"Lie," Freddie whispered back. "That's what I'm doing..."

"Yeah, this will all be fine!" Sam said loudly, pulling a strained smile onto her face. "I bet we're out of here and back home getting ready for Santa to come in no time."


"How can you have nothing going into Seattle for another six hours?" Sam exclaimed angrily as she stood in front of a ticket desk. "What-What about any part of Washington?"

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