Seddie Oneshots: 227 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,960
Published: Dec 5, 2010


[ quincy & emma ]

"Okay, what are you doing?" Freddie frowned as he walked into the living room, spotting his wife sitting on the couch with a large wad of paper and a straw.

"Well, I was just sitting around, and then I got to thinking, you know? It's been years since I've made a good spitball," Sam replied, tearing off a bit of paper and stuffing it up her straw. "So, I decided I'd get back to it." And with that she put the straw in her mouth and blew the spitball out right at Freddie's AV club trophy from high school that was sitting on the fireplace.

"Aw, Sam! You've got spitballs all over my trophy!" Freddie exclaimed. "I got that for being the best student in Seattle as enhancing three-dimensional graphics!"

"Ah yes, your golden-geek award," Sam said, rolling her eyes. "Hey, did you drop Tyler off at his friend's house?"

"Yup, just make sure you pick him up by ten tomorrow morning," Freddie said, wiping off his trophy as he sat down next to Sam.

"Bye," Emma said, hurrying downstairs towards the front door.

"Wait, wait, wait," Sam said. "Where are you going?"

"Out," Emma said.

"Out where?" Freddie asked.

"Oh, um, I'm meeting up with some girls from the soccer team," Emma replied. "We're gonna grab something to eat and then go hang out at that new shopping plaza."

"Okay, well just be home by eleven," Sam said.

"Alright," Emma said as she headed towards the door.

"So how long do you plan on sitting here and shooting spit balls?" Freddie asked as Sam re-loaded her straw.

"Until I get bored," Sam said, spitting a spitball at her husband's face.

"Lovely," Freddie sighed.

"Mom, dad, is it cool if I go to that under 21 dance club with Clarissa and some girls from school?" Ashton asked, walking into the living room.

"Sure, just be safe," Sam said.

"And no dancing with boys!" Freddie said.

"Whatever," Ashton said, rolling her eyes. "Bye, I'll be home by eleven!"

"Hey," Freddie said as Ashton closed the front door behind her. "You realize that we're on our own tonight?"

"Are we?" Sam said.

"Yeah," Freddie grinned. "So, would you rather sit around here and spit spitballs, or have me take you out on a nice romantic date? You know, just like in the old days."

"Hmm, I am craving some Pini's lasagna," Sam smiled.

"Good," Freddie said, giving her a long kiss. "Then let's get going."

"Okay, let me just grab my purse," Sam said.

"And leave your spitball shooter!" Freddie said.

"Ugh, fine!"


"Hi, could we have a table for two?" Freddie asked the waiter at the front of Pini's.

"There will be a ten minute wait, sir," the waiter replied.

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