Seddie Oneshots: 338 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 3,435
Published: Dec 5, 2010

A/N: This is pre-iOMG.


"Seriously, how great is my new room?" Carly said, looking around the eighty-two thousand dollar bedroom that Spencer had given her just a few weeks ago. "You'd have thought the thrill of it would've worn off by now, but it's still here."

"Well I'd be all happy and smiley if my brother made me the best room in the history of rooms too," Sam grinned from the ice cream sandwich love seat she was lounging on.

"Hey," Freddie said, walking into Carly's bedroom with his large Pearpad.

"Hey," Carly smiled back.

"Fredwardo," Sam said, sitting up.

"You guys should see this really funny video these guys just sent into iCarly," Freddie said, beginning to pull something up on his Pearpad. "It's hilarious."

As Freddie worked on his Pearpad, Sam frowned. Something seemed different about the tech nub...but she couldn't put a finger on what exactly it was. This had been bothering her for the past week; it seemed that every time she saw him, there was some sort of...aura around him that seemed to draw her attention to him.

She gave a small shrug and then went back to the bag of potato chips she had been eating. She was sure it was nothing; his mom was probably spraying him with a new tick spray or something that gave him a new scent that she was picking up on.

"Here, come look," Freddie said, sitting down on the edge of Carly's bed. "It's two guys freestyle wrapping the lines of the opening scene in Galaxy Wars."

The girls sat down on either side of Freddie, watching his Pearpad.

This video had to be the stupidest thing Sam had ever seen in her life. She knew she wasn't the biggest fan of Galaxy Wars around, but still, this was ridiculous! She could tell by the look on Carly's face that she didn't get the point of this video either, but Freddie was laughing as though it was the funniest thing around.

And then, for some strange reason that she couldn't even begin to explain, Sam found herself laughing as well.

"It's really funny, right?" Freddie grinned as the video ended.

"Um, y-yeah," Sam nodded.

No! she thought to herself, though. That was the biggest waste of three minutes I've ever seen. What's wrong with me? Why am I not insulting the nub's sense of humor?

"You guys really liked it?" Carly frowned, looking at Sam suspiciously.

"Well I just thought that it would be cool to show on iCarly next week, since we still need one more video," Freddie shrugged. "Why? Did you not like it?"

"'s not that I didn't like it," Carly said slowly. "It's just that I think that the fans of iCarly who aren't into Galaxy Wars wouldn't get it."

"Oh," Freddie said, looking a bit disappointed.

"Well...maybe we can still put it up on iCarly, you know, just under our random clips section," Sam suggested.

What the heck? Sam thought. Why am I suggesting something that would make this nub feel better?

"Yeah, that could be cool," Freddie said, smiling at Sam, who instantly felt like smiling back at him, though she managed to hold that in.

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