iWish It Was Me by jesswrites

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iWish It Was Me by jesswrites

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Angst
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 395
Published: Feb 3, 2010


I hated Sam and her new boyfriend's, Luke, relationship.

I hated the way her and Luke were so happy together, the way Sam and Luke grin at each other like their drunk and how Sam lets Luke hold her hand. Even though she hates PDA.

I hated how Sam would drag me to his games every Friday night, and she would force me to sit in the front row and clap every single time he even had possession of the ball, and how she would grin and smile when he looked at her, like he was a king or something.

I hated the way Luke was a totally awesome guy. I hated the way Luke was a bass player, and how Sam was asked to sing in his band ('cause believe me, Sam can really belt it out) and how she missed rehearsal every Tuesday and Thursday for band practice.

I hated the way Luke was smart (he had a four-point-oh), funny, handsome, musically talented, athletic, and so nice. I hated the way he took her out on dates every Tuesday night to mark their weekaversary of the first day they met. I hated the way Sam looked a little bit happier every time she got a text from him.

I loved the way Sam looked so happy when she was eating. I loved the way she's so carefree, so happy all the time, except when she's mad and she's even cuter. I loved the way she says she's not a nerd, but I when I went to her house I found five bookshelves full of classics and poetry and mythology that had been paged through repeatedly for years. I loved the way Sam wasn't second place to anyone anymore.

I loved the way she finally had what she wanted, but I hated that what she wanted wasn't me.

Disclaimer: This is a collection of Seddie oneshots from FanFiction. I do not own anything, all rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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