Heart Break And Happy Endings by Retrosprinkles

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Heart Break And Happy Endings by Retrosprinkles

TV » iCarly
Rated: K
Language: English
Genre: Romance & Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Carly S.
Words: 566
Published: Sep 14, 2009


[ c a r l y - c e n t r i c ]

The first time I suspected Freddie was over me was after the whole 'first kiss fiasco' when he thought no-one was looking he'd shoot glances at Sam and turn bright red when he saw that I'd seen him. I noticed that he'd stopped randomly declaring his love for me awhile ago. But even though it had been annoying now I missed it.

The time I realized he was over me was the time I found out about his and Sam's secret kiss. By then he'd stopped even trying to flirt with me. It had annoyed me so much back then but know I'd give anything for him to flirt with me again.

The time I knew he liked Sam was when I'd followed them after they had both stormed out of my apartment after an argument I'd found them in the middle of the hallway practically glued to each other. Freddie had always wanted to kiss me like that and I'd always shunned him now I saw him happy with my best friend.

The time I knew Freddie loved Sam was in the middle of one of their arguments Sam had screamed that if Freddie was so 'smart and wanted to do something with his life why was he still with a mess of a person like her' to which Freddie had shouted that maybe he loved her to much to let her go. I'd always wanted some one to tell me they loved me dramatically like that so I could do what Sam did to Freddie which was scream and jump on them. Now I'd missed one guy and was blocking every other guy out in the hopes Freddie would see the light and break up with her.

The day I knew that was never going to happen was today as I walked down the isle infront of Sam I saw Freddie's eyes light up and for one second I thought it was because of me but no it was for the girl behind me in the long white dress with the white Converse just visible as she walked up to him. The way he looked at her when he said 'I do' shattered my already breaking heart because I knew Sam was his one true love I was just the friend left behind as they embarked on their fairy tale. So if they got their happy ending... where was mine?

"Hey Shay long time no see." I turned around.

"Ben? Ben Hoobsher?" I asked looking him at him.

"Yep Shay you seem kinda upset and I'm guessing it's not normal wedding tears."

"I-I'm okay." I whispered.

"Really cause I'm pretty sure you've got a broken heart."

"Well maybe."

"Well I can fix that." he gently lifted my head up and pressed his lips against mine and you know what? They still tasted like potato salad.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights are reserved to their respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.

Note: If you are the author of any of these oneshots, and wish for me to take it down, please PM me. No plagiarism intended. All authors are given credit.

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