Always Yours by BoxOfTrinkets

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Always Yours by BoxOfTrinkets

TV » iCarly
Rated: M
Language: English
Genre: Angst & Romance
Characters: Freddie B., Sam P.
Words: 3,388
Published: Feb 2, 2011

You watch her spin around in her dress, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears of joy and you smile when Carly shrieks about how beautiful she looks. And you agree, she does look beautiful. And the white dress that highlights her golden hair and makes her eyes shine only adds to her beauty. She doesn't look at you and you feel slightly ashamed. Today shouldn't be a day for guilt, and you wish she would look at you in the eyes when she asks how her dress looks, and how she beams at the fact that her wedding is the exactly one year after yours and Carly's. You smile at the thought. It's almost funny.

You watch Carly take her hand and gush over the rock on her finger for what feels like the millionth time. You hear her exclaim how he's a lucky man and you silently agree. He's a very lucky man, and you want to simultaneously kill him and at the same time shake his hand and congratulate him. You watch her smile and you allow an emotion you never allow to surface. You realize you miss her, and you don't want to marry him.

You aren't sure the exact day you fell in love with her. You think it was some time between watching her face fall as she told Carly she knew Jonah asked to kiss her and kissing Carly for the first time and feeling nothing.

You watch Carly mess with her hair, holding it up differently to see what looks good with the dress and you remember the first time you actually felt your tender friendship with her blossom into a warm feeling uncurling in your chest in the form of a soft kiss on your darkened fire escape. You remember watching her walk away after declaring your mutual hate for each other and you wanted nothing more than to call her back and kiss her again and again.

Your friendship with her is different after that. There's no more venom when you fight, and she doesn't mercilessly tease you on camera anymore. She includes you in the shows and she actually presses the button on her remote to give you applause now and again. You are rewarded with more friendly slaps and you welcome each one, mustering up your courage to give her one back and are pleasantly surprised to find that she doesn't kill you.

Things seem to change after you are nearly killed by the taco truck. You remember the pain and the thundering in your head as you hit the sidewalk and you remember the chorus of her and Carly screaming and as Carly was on the phone she knelt by your head and whispered not to worry, that it was going to be all right before she squeezes your hand and leaves, her sneakers pounding on the pavement. She leaves you there with Carly's cries and you didn't learn later that she left you with her because she thought you would want her there instead and you don't get to tell her you wanted her to stay for another few years.

Things change even more when you and Carly give your relationship its first try. She gently reminds you of the bacon analogy, and doesn't even mock you with conviction. She seems genuinely concerned at the fact that you are being strung along, and you allowed yourself to bask in the first positive affection she's ever shown towards you to care that you didn't really care about Carly like that at all.

She's back to her old self after you and Carly call it off. You grow bolder around her, teasingly telling her if she loves you to just say it, silently begging her to declare her love for you but settling for the playful "nyeeh!" that you get instead, telling her you think she'd make a real pretty bridesmaid and loving the blush that colors her face as you smirk at her.

You remember how your world came crashing down for a split second after you walked into what seemed like a solid wall of thin air and she declared that she would've killed Spencer if she didn't have a tiny crush on him. Spencer? You have no idea how to compete with that and you feel your heart break for a second.

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