Seddie Oneshots: 478 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+,
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 4,197
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"-And boom! That's five games of Chinese checkers in a row I win!" Sam triumphantly to her husband as the couple sat at their kitchen table. "So you count that with the three games of Go Fish, one game of Monopoly and twelve games of tic-tac-toe, I am officially the gaming champion!"

"Yeah, yeah," Freddie mumbled as he began putting the board away. "Man, I wish the cable was back."

"Seriously," Sam sighed.

"So where are the kids? Shouldn't they be home from school by now?" Freddie asked, setting the game down on the counter.

"Nah, Tyler's carpool is taking him to his baseball practice and the girls are working on a project with a classmate. Actually though, one of us needs to go pick them up soon. Ashton texted me the address of the girl earlier."

"Oh okay, I'll go get them," Freddie said. "And on my way back I can even swing by the park and get Tyler."

"You just want an excuse to get out of the house so I can stop creaming you in all these games," Sam smirked.

"Well you cheated in those tic-tac-toe rounds!" Freddie defended.

"You can't cheat in tic-tac-toe," Sam said rolling her eyes.

"Well you did!" Freddie snapped just as his phone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked down at the screen. "Oh, perfect timing, that's Emma probably telling me to come get her and Ashton."

He quickly answered. "Hi Em, I'm leaving the house now to come get you and your sister."

"Alright, well is mom coming?" Emma asked.

"Um, no, she's staying here to try and think up more ways to defile the classic game of tic-tac-toe," Freddie said. "Why?"

"Well this girl whose house we're at says her mom wants to meet both of Ashton and mine's parents," Emma explained.

"Um, really?"

"Yeah, she said her mom is really strict and will only let her hang out with people if she's met both their parents," Emma said. "And we need to work on this project tomorrow too, so we kind of need to see this chick again."

"Um, well, okay, I'll tell your mom," Freddie said. "I just think it's a little strange that-"

"Please, strange doesn't even begin to describe this girl," Emma scoffed. "She's a total loser and weirdo!"

"Please tell me you're saying this stuff out of earshot," Freddie sighed.

"I mean I can only imagine how much of a psycho her mom must be," Emma continued.

"Emma, be nice, you can't just insult people in their own homes!" Freddie said. "Your mom and I will be there soon."

"Alright, bye," Emma said, hanging up.

"Okay, Sam, you get to come with me to pick up the twins," Freddie said.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"I dunno, their classmate's mom wants to meet both of us," Freddie shrugged.

"Pfft, that's stupid," Sam said.

"Come on, I'm sure she's just trying to be a concerned parent," Freddie reasoned. "We like to meet the parents of the kids our children hang out with."

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