Seddie Oneshots: 465 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,697
Published: Dec 5, 2010


Freddie Benson happily sat on his couch, free from the distinct plastic cover he was so used to, his feet propped up on his coffee table, something that would've resulted in his mother exploding at him back when he lived with her.

Freddie had moved out of his mother's home a few months ago, and he was loving every minute of having his own place. He loved the freedom to come and go without having to answer at least five dozen questions even though, as he had constantly told his mother, he was an adult now. He loved not having to sign a contract ever night before getting in the shower saying he 'double pooed' and he loved being able to have normal, edible foods in his kitchen, having all his television channels unlocked and, well, everything.

Just then, he heard a knock at his door, and he quickly jumped to his feet.

There was one thing that he loved most of all about having his own place, and it looked like she had just arrived.

Sure enough, when Freddie opened the door, Sam was standing outside, looking stunning as usual

"Hey," he smiled, letting her into the apartment.

"Hey," she replied, wasting no time in pressing her lips to his.

I'm never gonna get tired of being able to do this without having to be worried about being sprayed with disinfectant, Freddie thought to himself as he continued to kiss Sam.

It really was a great life here.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" Freddie asked when the couple finally pulled apart.

"I dunno," Sam shrugged. "I figured we'd just stay in and do whatever."

"Okay," Freddie agreed. "I'll order us a pizza and we can just relax in front of the T.V."

"Sounds like the perfect night," Sam chuckled, kissing him again. "Let me just go change out of these clothes. I came from work and if we're gonna laze around all night, I need to be dressed for the part. My sweats were around here somewhere..."

"They're in my room, next to your hair dryer," Freddie told her.

"Oh yeah, be back in a sec," Sam said, heading back to the bedroom.

Ever since Freddie had gotten his own place, Sam had practically made the apartment her own too. His bathroom was filled with her shampoos and his counter was littered with random tubes of make-up. His drawers had at least half her wardrobe in them and his living room had various MMA magazines strewn about it.

But strangely enough, this didn't bother Freddie in the slightest. Even when he would almost trip on one of Sam's boots getting up to get a drink in the middle of the night, he sort of liked how Sam seemed to be so comfortable in his home.

"I see you got some new sheets on your bed," Sam said, returning to the room, now wearing her favorite sweatpants and one of his old t-shirts that reached her knees. "Finally outgrow your Proton Cruiser ones?"

"I figured now that I have my own place, I needed some more adult-appropriate sheets," Freddie said. "But don't worry, I still have the Proton Cruiser ones to use too."

"Once a nub, always a nub," Sam said, rolling her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him once again. "So...wanna break in those new sheets later?"

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